Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Update

Apparently I have a lot to catch you all up on. it’s been nearly a month. Props to me and my summer lazyness on updating my blog. So it’ll be jumpy… but fun.

Honestly I’ve been productive otherwise. For instance I’m now 70 something pages into my edits on part one. I’ve deleted lots and lots but not to worry I’ve changed some plot lines which means I’ve got lots of addin in to do. But it’s slow work. Like I feel really, really inspired but I sit down to edit and I feel blocked. It’s this one part that I just feel like taking out all together but it’s half of the first part and I basically need it later on otherwise Myles can’t join the quest. So I have to deal with it and wade through the stuff I don’t feel like editing. It’ll get better…

I finished my friend’s book I was running edits on. it was short so now I feel bad that he has to read all of mine… I’ll probably tell him that he can stop after the first part if he wants. Anyhow, it was a good read and I liked the plot line. But it was short and fast, I’m usually a fan of the longer fantasy books. but that’s just me.

I’ve been going to my writers group every Tuesday since I got here! It’s so awesome to go. Like for serious I love it. I love what people have to say about my work. Because I’m the youngest person there, everyone else are like my parents age. And basically they don’t read fantasy so it’s always interesting to have them read my stuff. It’s usually grammar they pick out. And I always need grammar help.

I picked out my classes for the fall! Whoot! I’m taking Chemistry I, Human Anatomy and Biology, Photography I, U.S. History Till 1877, and The Tudor, Stewart Age. Pretty awesome right? I wanted to take a Japanese history course… but alas I figured Anatomy would look better on my transfer application. I’m still waiting to hear back from res life to see where I’m living. I’m crossing my finger that my roommate isn’t a douche like last year. I’m also hoping that I’ll be in the New Upperclassman dorms.

I haven’t gotten my new compy yet cause I’m waiting for my check from the insurance money. So I’m still fighting with my old one which is angering me quite thoroughly. Why you ask? Because I have two options to type with. 1: Type with a frozen screen and smack it ever couple of lines to look at the newly typed stuff. Or 2: hold the screen so it works with one hand and type with the other. Neither are very fun. But I’m dealing with it till I get my check. But there are some very nice days that it agrees with me and I don’t need to hold it for it to work and not freeze. Like right now it’s being nice… which means I should probably be editing instead of blogging but I’ve neglected this long enough…

The beach has been ever so good to me. I’ve already read three books. I’ll be doing a book review on them soon enough. I finally have time to catch up and read Laini Taylor’s books that came out during the school year. So that’s super good.

I’ve officially become a super nerd. My brothers and I have recently become quite the addicts to Magic the Gathering. I’ve got a red-white deck and it’s super fun to play.

I’ll stop there for today least I make your eyes bleed with my boring rant! Enjoy your summer!
