So I’ll give you a quick run down of how my life has been since I got home from my last trip. It’ll be quick I promise. You see I started my job as manager a few weeks after I got back. I thought hey working and going to school would be a great idea. Wrong. It sucked working almost 60 hours a week and going to school at night. Mind you my work shift was from 6am to 3pm and school was from 4pm till 8pm. It started to wear me down naturally. You’d have to be a super human not to be worn out by it. But I started planning a trip to Europe for the end of the summer because I wanted to go to La Tomantina. It’s the festival in Spain where you throw tomatoes.
Then I went to an ACP class in April. I was guided to take it again even though I’d taken it last year. I ended up meeting a few cool people. But the real reason I think was the fact that I was talking with Bea and I just offhandly add that if they ever needed staff in a foreign country that they could count on me. And Bea was like how about London? It’s early in June. And I was like hells yeah count me in!
So I found myself planning a hasty escape! I talked my boss into giving me time off (and that was a struggle). Then I was looking for cheap tickets and accommodation. And I pulled it together. Mainly because after the class I had decided that I wasn’t going to plan anything so I could be spontaneous and free. I booked a cheap flight to Shannon Ireland where I spent the first two days of my trip before I headed for London. You’ll get the full shake down of those 11 days in the next two posts. As the purpose of this post is just to catch you up.
So I had a blast in London for a week. And it came down to my last night in London and Charles and I were having a chat about chatty things and one thing lead to another and I was invited to his Australian classes. It took me all of five second to realize that I wanted to go. So the next morning while we were al getting ready to head out I double checked with Charles that he was serious and he was like yeah it you’ve got the money. And I was like psh money, it’s only paper after all. We parted and I had a challenge ahead of me… do I dare sprint off to Australia?
Well the long and the short of it? I went to a Pret at Trafalgar Square for the wifi at 7 in the morning. I decided first I should see if I could get a visa, no use changing my flight if I couldn’t enter the country. Well the electronic application took me about 15 minutes and then bam I had my visa!! So I pulled up the number for US Airways and called. 10 minutes later I had a flight out of Heathrow the next day at 12h30. All that was left to do was to break it to my parents….
They took it splendidly! So here I am 48 hours from take off…
It’s been a bit of a whiplash experience but I’m excited and feel that I’m going in the right direction. Friday I went into Dunkin to talk to my boss… because honestly I hated working there by the time I left for London so I wrote him the loveliest letter of resignation. And walked out of there happy to be leaving the drama and the bullshit. I’ve got better plans for my life. So I’m Australia bound for 20 days and I can hardly contain my excitement!
I’m already packed and I’ve got room to spare!
Also I’m taking my suitcase on her maiden voyage. And what better a voyage then one to a new continent. The funniest part to me about this all is the fact that this week I won’t have a Wednesday! Funny right… you see I take off Tuesday and land Thursday so I fly all of Wednesday plus I cross the date line or something. That’s a lot of flying. But what fun. I’ve never been on such a long flight! I’ll just have to make sure my iPod and nook are charged and hope that they have some cool movies on the flight. We’ll see soon enough… I’ll be off on a new adventure in less then 48 hours.