I’m ever so excited!!! So last night I posted the first chapter of my Vampire Knight FanFic…. I know I’m officially a dork now and write FanFic. And this morning I wake up to over 30 emails!! 8 are reviews. And the others are people marking me as favorite author and following my story!!! I’m thrilled needless to say! So I posted another chapter tonight. And I’m not going to lie this is the best free write sort of stuff I’ve done in like forevers! It’s so nice to be able to write without having to worry about connecting the dots and filling in gaps and making it all flow. I just write and it all just comes out however and apparently people love it. So it makes me ever so excited to keep it up. Plus it’s my new favorite way to blow off steam. I just sit and write and no pressure on me! I love it. And I’m sooo hyper cause people really like it and I guess my writing isn’t as crappy as I thought…. Anyhow as I said I posted the new chapter about thirty minutes ago and now and I just checked my email. And I already have two more reviews!!! YAAAAAAY! This calls for celebration…. EasyMAc is called for! Muhahahaha oh the college life!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
College and Edits
Hi Hi,
Over the last few day’s I’ve been slipping back into college mode, winter break totally threw me off. So I’ve been going to classes which all my classes this semester are FANTASTIC!!! And don’t know if any of you all noticed but I made a new blog. It’s for my writing course. I’m tots def psyched about that class cause I’m hoping it’ll help me sharpen my skills a bit. And I’m sooo excited about the name of it cause I wanted to choose a cool, witty, intriguing, title and it kept eluding me till I looked over my outlines for my series. I borrowed the title for the last book in the second series. Muhahaha I felt so clever! Only down side of all my awesome new classes is the fact that I’m going to have a huge work load this semester so I’m a little tense because that’s cutting into my editing time on The Snowy Waste. But I’m still going for it. I’m only 14 pages in right now which is a bit sad. I keep agonizing over the beginning. Cause I’ll get an awesome idea and modify it then when I go back to it it just looked mucked up… so I just gave up on it yesterday and started working through the rest of it seeing as I have so much to do! It’s almost twice the amount of pages of A Colorless Myth and that took me about three months of hardcore editing to work through it three times… so I’ve gotta get cracking if I want to send it out this spring. But I suppose I should make Fridays my intense writing day since I have no classes… actually that’s a superb idea! Oh man I love when I’m smart! So I just hope I can edit. Edit. Edit. And Edit some more so I can send it to Daw. Because Daw doesn’t require queries I just have to send in my whole manuscript sooooo….. ya…. I’m totally looking forward to printing over 300 pages. Hahahaha what a party! So I’m probably going to edit and put off my boring Algebra homework. It’s seriously easy stuff so whoever is in college and can’t factor I will personally smack you because it’s so easy it’s boring. Wish me luck on edits!
P.S. Whoot for 50 posts!
Over the last few day’s I’ve been slipping back into college mode, winter break totally threw me off. So I’ve been going to classes which all my classes this semester are FANTASTIC!!! And don’t know if any of you all noticed but I made a new blog. It’s for my writing course. I’m tots def psyched about that class cause I’m hoping it’ll help me sharpen my skills a bit. And I’m sooo excited about the name of it cause I wanted to choose a cool, witty, intriguing, title and it kept eluding me till I looked over my outlines for my series. I borrowed the title for the last book in the second series. Muhahaha I felt so clever! Only down side of all my awesome new classes is the fact that I’m going to have a huge work load this semester so I’m a little tense because that’s cutting into my editing time on The Snowy Waste. But I’m still going for it. I’m only 14 pages in right now which is a bit sad. I keep agonizing over the beginning. Cause I’ll get an awesome idea and modify it then when I go back to it it just looked mucked up… so I just gave up on it yesterday and started working through the rest of it seeing as I have so much to do! It’s almost twice the amount of pages of A Colorless Myth and that took me about three months of hardcore editing to work through it three times… so I’ve gotta get cracking if I want to send it out this spring. But I suppose I should make Fridays my intense writing day since I have no classes… actually that’s a superb idea! Oh man I love when I’m smart! So I just hope I can edit. Edit. Edit. And Edit some more so I can send it to Daw. Because Daw doesn’t require queries I just have to send in my whole manuscript sooooo….. ya…. I’m totally looking forward to printing over 300 pages. Hahahaha what a party! So I’m probably going to edit and put off my boring Algebra homework. It’s seriously easy stuff so whoever is in college and can’t factor I will personally smack you because it’s so easy it’s boring. Wish me luck on edits!
P.S. Whoot for 50 posts!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hi. Hi.
I have beyond amazing news! Today at 9:46 I finished the rough draft of The Snowy Waste! It’s 331 pages manuscript format and 145053 word. I’m sooooo excited about this. I text all my friends ran into my suitemates room yelled about it in there then a friend and I went to applebees to celebrate. Tots def awesome night. And it’s Sunday so this week can only get better. Now I can sit down and do some hardcore editing and work my way toward getting this bad boy published!! Yay! And feel free to run around and scream in joy… it’s what I did. haha
I have beyond amazing news! Today at 9:46 I finished the rough draft of The Snowy Waste! It’s 331 pages manuscript format and 145053 word. I’m sooooo excited about this. I text all my friends ran into my suitemates room yelled about it in there then a friend and I went to applebees to celebrate. Tots def awesome night. And it’s Sunday so this week can only get better. Now I can sit down and do some hardcore editing and work my way toward getting this bad boy published!! Yay! And feel free to run around and scream in joy… it’s what I did. haha
Friday, January 22, 2010
What type of writer am I?
Happy Friday!
The best thing about college is picking your classes and this semester every weekend is like a three day weekend!! YAY! Any how I had my writing class yesterday and we had a prompt that we had to write and the prompt was to describe what type of writer we were. I was stumped! So I just went off on a tangent of what writing was to me. Then we had to share. So everyone was like “I’m a passionate writer” “I’m a technical writer” “I’m a procrastinating” “I’m an emotional writer”. Then some people also went off on little tangents about writing so I didn’t feel so stupid sharing mine.
Being a writer is something that I had idealized. When I was younger my mum would read to me and I loved it. I loved the stories the words wove even though I could not read them. When I had gotten older I learned that someone had written those books. That each book had been an idea in someone’s head at one point and that was so cool to me. Elementary school was full of writing but it was meaningless writing meant only to teach us how to write first in print then in cursive. Next was middle school and essays began to be assigned. That was when I began to hate writing because being dyslexic made spelling difficult for me and spelling always counted. Those three words “spelling always counts” became a phrase that I hated because it always condemned me to a bad grade. So I turned to books where the spelling was always correct and the far off lands made me forget I hated writing. Then the summer between seventh and eighth grade came about and my older brother and younger brother began drawing maps and going on about how they were going to write books. I decided I wanted to do the same so I started planning and drawing maps for this book I wanted to write. Then it came to putting pen to paper and actually writing it out. As soon as the world I was writing began to take shape I lost my self in my writing and I forgot that I hated essays. Writing my book was something fun and it did not matter that I spelled things wrong while I wrote it in my notebook. I would fix all of that later. My previous hate for writing had been washed away that summer so when I went back to school in the fall I was ready for whatever academic writing they had to pile on me. Academic writing no longer bothered me (even if spelling counted) because I had my world to slip into after school… or during class. Now it seems that all I do is write. It’s what makes waking up in the morning worth it!
TA DA! And there you have it… it doesn’t answer the question as to what type of writer I am but I liked it anyway. I still don’t know what type of writer I am… passionate. Of course I love my work… emotional. Heck ya I get so attached to my character… inspirational. I suppose I mean I inspire myself… mood. Indeed after all if I’m not in the mood I can’t write… procrastinating. Not so much after all I write all day it seems. So I suppose I’m a mix of a lot of “writer” types. I don’t write because I have to. I write because I want to. I don’t write for anyone other than myself. I enjoy ever minute of writing. So what type of writer am I? and my answer to that is ……
That’s a very good question I’ll let you know as soon as I find out!
The best thing about college is picking your classes and this semester every weekend is like a three day weekend!! YAY! Any how I had my writing class yesterday and we had a prompt that we had to write and the prompt was to describe what type of writer we were. I was stumped! So I just went off on a tangent of what writing was to me. Then we had to share. So everyone was like “I’m a passionate writer” “I’m a technical writer” “I’m a procrastinating” “I’m an emotional writer”. Then some people also went off on little tangents about writing so I didn’t feel so stupid sharing mine.
Being a writer is something that I had idealized. When I was younger my mum would read to me and I loved it. I loved the stories the words wove even though I could not read them. When I had gotten older I learned that someone had written those books. That each book had been an idea in someone’s head at one point and that was so cool to me. Elementary school was full of writing but it was meaningless writing meant only to teach us how to write first in print then in cursive. Next was middle school and essays began to be assigned. That was when I began to hate writing because being dyslexic made spelling difficult for me and spelling always counted. Those three words “spelling always counts” became a phrase that I hated because it always condemned me to a bad grade. So I turned to books where the spelling was always correct and the far off lands made me forget I hated writing. Then the summer between seventh and eighth grade came about and my older brother and younger brother began drawing maps and going on about how they were going to write books. I decided I wanted to do the same so I started planning and drawing maps for this book I wanted to write. Then it came to putting pen to paper and actually writing it out. As soon as the world I was writing began to take shape I lost my self in my writing and I forgot that I hated essays. Writing my book was something fun and it did not matter that I spelled things wrong while I wrote it in my notebook. I would fix all of that later. My previous hate for writing had been washed away that summer so when I went back to school in the fall I was ready for whatever academic writing they had to pile on me. Academic writing no longer bothered me (even if spelling counted) because I had my world to slip into after school… or during class. Now it seems that all I do is write. It’s what makes waking up in the morning worth it!
TA DA! And there you have it… it doesn’t answer the question as to what type of writer I am but I liked it anyway. I still don’t know what type of writer I am… passionate. Of course I love my work… emotional. Heck ya I get so attached to my character… inspirational. I suppose I mean I inspire myself… mood. Indeed after all if I’m not in the mood I can’t write… procrastinating. Not so much after all I write all day it seems. So I suppose I’m a mix of a lot of “writer” types. I don’t write because I have to. I write because I want to. I don’t write for anyone other than myself. I enjoy ever minute of writing. So what type of writer am I? and my answer to that is ……
That’s a very good question I’ll let you know as soon as I find out!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Second Semester Whoot! and Raven-ness
Good Evening,
P.S. Here’s a part of Cry of The Raven….
“Oh. Anything interesting?” he asked trying to sound uninterested.
Today was my first day of classes and I had bio tonight 7:30-10:15. I was tots def scared that I would do horrible in the class because I last took bio junior year of high school. Turns out I was afraid for nothing. My professor asked me to stop answering questions so other people would have a chance. I guess that means I’m going to breeze through this class! Yay! Plus it helped remind me why I’m going to be majoring in bio… cause it’s awesome!!!!! Hahaha. Needless to say I’m very excited about this semester. I can’t wait for tomorrow I have two classes Nazi-Era Germany Pre Holocaust (can anyone say AWESOME!!!) at 1:55 and Algebra at 6:00. So over all a very nice day. Oh and in case you didn’t notice I redid my blog…. Again…. It’s just way to much fun to change the appearance. Oh so while I was slacking all day I wrote some awesomeness for Cry of The Raven/ Quest Quartet because Cry of The Raven overlaps hehe. Aaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd ya I think that’s it for now…
The silver washed city lay out in front of Raven, candles burned in some windows while others were black. A sigh escaped his lips as he tilted his head to the left… then the right… the castle was directly in every window. “What a waste… those candles could be in the dark houses of peasants who can hardly pay your damn taxes.” Raven muttered through gritted teeth. They would pay soon enough. It was only a matter of time till the castle was cleansed of the filth that lived there currently. A small smile crept onto his face as he stood on the slate roof. “Only a matter of time.” he said. The assassin moved along the roof and jumped through the gaping hole that lead to the ruined choir loft. He landed silently then walked to the edge where he could look down at the main floor.
Some old pews remained in place with moth eaten cushions, but most of them had been removed from the floor when the small gang of assassins had moved in. Colored patterns of moonlight washed the creaky and decaying floorboards. Raven let his eyes wander to the stained glass windows. Many panes of colored glass remained in their lead fixtures, but some of the panes had been broken and jagged bits of color marked the spots. The pulpit was washed in candle light and Raven saw his friends sitting around a table strewn with parchment. He smiled, they were always the diligent workers.
Quietly the black haired man walked down the spiral staircase to the main floor. He moved silently across the floor. After so many years of living in the abandoned church he knew which floorboards to avoid and which spots to jump. No one jumped when he came into the pool of candle light. The four assassins were used to their friend coming from the shadows. “Rave, take a look at this. We found some old texts in the basement that talk of the Royal family.” Elise said pointing to the dusty pieces of parchment on the table. His heart clenched a little in fear as he saw everyone reading. “Oh. Anything interesting?” he asked trying to sound uninterested.
P.P.S. I wanted a visual to sort of go with Raven's hide out. So Ii googled. and i found this site. And i LOVE the pictures. They are tots def what I had in mind.
Monday, January 18, 2010
If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad
Good Afternoon,
Today is going to be an all day writing day for me. I figured I might as well since classes start tomorrow and I don’t know what my new work load will be. so I thought I’d have fun today. Any who…. I was looking for a good writing quote to put as my facebook status and I came across a lot of really good ones so I’m just going to post them here cause they rock! Enjoy!
Today is going to be an all day writing day for me. I figured I might as well since classes start tomorrow and I don’t know what my new work load will be. so I thought I’d have fun today. Any who…. I was looking for a good writing quote to put as my facebook status and I came across a lot of really good ones so I’m just going to post them here cause they rock! Enjoy!
- If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it. ~Toni Morrison
- I'm not a very good writer, but I'm an excellent rewriter. ~James Michener
- Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum. ~Graycie Harmon
- There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein. ~Walter Wellesley
- The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin
- Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia. ~E.L. Doctorow
- I try to leave out the parts that people skip. ~Elmore Leonard
- Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very;" your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain
- Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth
- Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass. ~Anton Chekhov
- Easy reading is damn hard writing. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Ink and paper are sometimes passionate lovers, oftentimes brother and sister, and occasionally mortal enemies. ~Emme Woodhull-Bäche
- I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. ~James Michener
- A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one. ~Baltasar Gracián
- The only cure for writer's block is insomnia. ~Merit Antares
- If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad. ~Lord Byron
- You write to communicate to the hearts and minds of others what's burning inside you. And we edit to let the fire show through the smoke. ~Arthur Polotnik
- Pen names are masks that allow us to unmask ourselves. ~C. Astrid Weber
- How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live. ~Henry David Thoreau
- Read a book and give you imagination wings. ~ Taylor R. Vangclear
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Growing Up
So today is my last day of winter break at home. I move in tomorrow and classes start on Tuesday and I’m crossing my fingers that I have enough money for my 18 textbooks this semester plus lab gear for bio. If not…then I’ll make friends with someone who wants to share! Haha any how this is going to be a HUGE rant that I just feel like posting.
So I’m sitting in front of my compy (obviously) and I’m thinking. Now I just finished the second part of The Snowy Waste so I’m ecstatic mostly because the third and final part is so insanely short! And I cannot think of stuff to write currently… so I’m thinking about the whole going back to college and growing up deal. Normally I don’t think about this but I’m babysitting tonight for two little boys I’ve babysat since the older one was a few months old and he’s nearly four! So I feel a wee bit old watching them grow up. But mainly I was thinking about how the older one likes to play with my cell phone and when I first started babysitting I had that dorky old phone and I always hated it. It was mostly because all the “grow ups” had cool phones like the blackberry and other such nifty phones. Now mind you I was a sophomore in high school. And I couldn’t wait to “grow up” because I equated to being older to having a cooler phone.
Middle of junior year I got the Alias that flipped the two ways. Ya that was cool till everyone else got it and I felt like a kid again. Then as I started to get ready for college and what not I got the LG Dare and then I got to thinking that I have a cool phone now and I’m in college so that makes me almost grown up right? This is totally weird to me because I still feel like the same old me. Yet every one must seem someone different cause I went to visit the Aftercare I worked at last year and all the kids wanted to know about college and then they had to tell me how grown up it was that I was going to college and I was floored that they now saw me as a grown up simply because I was in college.
Because last year they knew I was in high school so I guess I was still a kid to them and now… well I must say it doesn’t feel much different. Well actually I lie a wee bit. I still talk to kids who are in high school and it seems sort of awkward to be a college student chilling out with high school kids. Sort of a creepy weird but not really it’s hard to explain. But here I am striving to become a well known author which is something “grow ups” do and I’m still in college! Man it’s just a jumble of me feeling like a kid yet being lumped into that “grow up” group. And then that also raises the once you get out of college what are you going to do… talk about rushing things. People are asking me this and I’m like I’m still a freshman and I have the ambitions I had as a senior which might not all work out in reality so come talk to me when I graduate. So I’ve decided that you’re only a “grown up” when you stop enjoying you job and other things you do. Why you ask? Because all the “grown ups” (excluding my parents) I knew when I was younger hated their jobs and lived for the weekend so I saw them as “grown up” because they did things they didn’t like and kids always get away with only doing the things they like. So that’s why if still feel like a kid because I was always that one kid in the class who LOVED school. And now in college I choose my classes and the time I take the class so it’s fun and I want to go to class. The same goes for, as I call it, my job. A.K.A. my writing. I love doing it and I doubt I’ll ever get tired of it. I’m more than happy with where I am in life and where I am going so I’m along for the ride at this point. One more point! As I was just getting ready to post this Weightless by All Time Low started playing on my compy and the line “If I could just find the time, Then I would never let another day go by, I'm over, getting old” I tots def agree!
So today is my last day of winter break at home. I move in tomorrow and classes start on Tuesday and I’m crossing my fingers that I have enough money for my 18 textbooks this semester plus lab gear for bio. If not…then I’ll make friends with someone who wants to share! Haha any how this is going to be a HUGE rant that I just feel like posting.


Saturday, January 9, 2010
Oh College
Happy Saturday Night!
I decided that it would be a good idea to log and finish registering for spring classes. Turns out I can’t. FML! I have two holds on my account for I have no clue why! Which means I only have three classes worth 9 credits. Thus I will be kicked out of my campus housing this Friday if I do get these holds off my account and register for the rest of my classes because I need 12 credits to continue to live on campus. Good thing I found this out on a Friday night when I have to wait till Monday to fix it. FUUUUNNN BEANS!! Hahaha not. And what’s even more frustrating is the fact that all the classes I want to take have openings!! This is frustrating me because I can see the open classes but I cannot register. So I hope no one registers and closes the classes or I will promptly hunt them down and throw jello at them… actually I probably just cream at my computer and curse my school and be happy that I am transferring to NYU for the fall. I have made plans to go to campus Monday and rectify this situation! I also realized that I have seven days of break left and I am very close to broke which means no textbooks unless I babysit this week… must make phone calls…. Haha oh college how I love and hate you. But I’m tots def looking forward to moving back to my lovely quiet dorm. I love being home but I love being at school more. I just hope when I get back to school that I can keep up my epic writing streak because I am UBER close to finishing my first draft! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!
I decided that it would be a good idea to log and finish registering for spring classes. Turns out I can’t. FML! I have two holds on my account for I have no clue why! Which means I only have three classes worth 9 credits. Thus I will be kicked out of my campus housing this Friday if I do get these holds off my account and register for the rest of my classes because I need 12 credits to continue to live on campus. Good thing I found this out on a Friday night when I have to wait till Monday to fix it. FUUUUNNN BEANS!! Hahaha not. And what’s even more frustrating is the fact that all the classes I want to take have openings!! This is frustrating me because I can see the open classes but I cannot register. So I hope no one registers and closes the classes or I will promptly hunt them down and throw jello at them… actually I probably just cream at my computer and curse my school and be happy that I am transferring to NYU for the fall. I have made plans to go to campus Monday and rectify this situation! I also realized that I have seven days of break left and I am very close to broke which means no textbooks unless I babysit this week… must make phone calls…. Haha oh college how I love and hate you. But I’m tots def looking forward to moving back to my lovely quiet dorm. I love being home but I love being at school more. I just hope when I get back to school that I can keep up my epic writing streak because I am UBER close to finishing my first draft! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Book Reviews!!
Book Review Time!!
It’s been a long time since I did my last reviews so I thought it would be cool to do another. I’m going to Review The Daemon’s Curse and The Darren Shan Saga. Now Darren is a series of 12 books… but they are amazing!

So The Daemon’s curse starts the epic journey Malus must make to save his soul. Now among the Dark Elves of Naggaroth it’s common for one to conspire against your siblings and kill to get to the top. Epically if you are the youngest child of the Vaulkhar of Hag Graef. So what better way than to travel to the Chaos Waste to a temple that holds “great power”? Too bad that “great power” was in the form of a Daemon. Malus becomes possessed by the ancient daemon Tz’arkan. Now Malus has two options either live with Tz’arkan slowly taking over and poisoning his body……or…… find five artifacts that have been lost in time within a year. So Malus embarks on a journey to try and find these five artifacts that have only been seen in tales over the last centuries. In the next three books Malus travels the known world looking for the artifacts. In his wake he leaves blood and hate. Will Malus find the artifacts? Or will he loose his soul?
Now lately there has been a craze about vampires. Now I hate to tell people that vampires were cool before their image was turned into that of a cute sparkly thing. Besides I hate to tell certain authors that REAL vampires don’t sparkle in sunlight, they die. I have a gig and a half of research to prove it… but I diverge, but only a tiny bit. Because I’ve been an avid vampire book reader for years now. And the Darren Shan saga is a fantastic way to demonstrate thus. It’s actually a vampire series but Shan does an amazing job of making his vampire’s all his own yet not diverging too much from “traditional” vampire. So The Saga of Darren Shan is by Darren Shan. The order of the books is as follows (1) Cirque Du Freak (2) The Vampire’s Assistant (3) Tunnels of Blood (4) Vampire Mountain (5) Trials of Death (6) The Vampire Prince (7) Hunters of The Dusk (8)Allies of The Night (9) Killers of The Dawn (10)The Lake of Souls (11) Lord of Shadows and (12) Sons of Destiny
It’s about a young boy (Darren Shan) and it follows him through the motions of growing up… as a vampire’s assistant. It was never his plan to be turned into a half vampire but when Darren attends a freak show and falls in love with Mr. Crepsley’s spider Madame Octa. Now Darren loved all types of spiders but Madame Octa is a large and way cool spider. So Darren steals Madame Octa and that’s when everything changes for him. The young boy gets swept up into a whirl wind of adventure as he goes with Mr. Crepsley who turns Darren into a half vampire.
Ya… that’s a rather shitty review… but I can’t say too much without giving away a ton. So apparently it was made into a movie… I watched the previews and I spotted at least 20 things that were wrong with it. Hahaha. Aaannnnd it’s also a manga (http://www.onemanga.com/Darren_Shan/) pretty nifty. I checked it out and it looks cool. And check out Darren’s website (http://www.darrenshan.com/) cause his other series (The Deamonata Series) is awesome too. Oh yes and I need to say a special thanks to my friend Luke (who leant me his name for The Cycle of Zantor) because he was the one who told me to read this series.
Book Reviews,
Darren Shan,
Malus Darkblade
Monday, January 4, 2010
Why I Write
I was talking to an old high school friend today and we got onto my writing and they asked me why I write. I can’t remember quite what I told them but I think it was rather lame and along the lines of because it’s fun. Then I really started to think about it. And I sort of came up with a much better explanation as to why I write. True it is fun but there are also a lot of other things that drive me to write. I thought of four good reasons that I write so here they are. Here’s why I write!
(1) Immortality
Now the allure to immortality is something that we have all felt at one time or another I’m sure. Just the whole thought of being able to see the world grow and change over millions of years seems fun. But I gave up the idea of living forever quite a while ago. But immortality to me now no longer applies to me living forever. Now it applies to my writing and what I’ll leave behind. I’m going to become immortal through the words that I write. Because no matter how you look at it writing is never going to be a dead art and reading is never going to be a lost talent. So I write because I want to be immortal through my words. I don’t care if people 1,000,000 years from now don’t know my life. But if they read my books then I’m immortal. Look at The Epic of Gilgamesh which (epic poem) it was recorded on 12 clay tablets in Ancient Mesopotamia and the earliest versions of the Epic date as early as 2150-2000 BC. People still read it today so whoever wrote it is, at least in my eyes, immortal.
(2) Escape
I have a fantastic life and I’m happy with it just as it is. Yet I still want to escape it. And when I get to escape it is when I write. I have the ability to put myself into whatever world I very well please. I can escape the life that I’m in now and paint myself a brand new one with words. If anything ever goes wrong in that escape of mine I can always shrug it off, rewrite it, or just forget about it. When I write I easily slip into my words and forget everything that is going on around me and I can come back whenever I want. No matter how fantastic your life is we all need an escape sometimes and writing is my escape.
(3) Fun
Writing is and always will be fun for me because I have control over everything that happens. Sometimes when I read books I wish I could make changes but since it is not my work I just have to hang on for the ride. But when I write I can change anything at anytime I want. Plus I can make things up. I can make a new language or a new land all of my own. If I really wanted I could make my humans purple and green. The fact that I can add or subtract tings is what makes writing fun because I make all the choices.
(4) Accomplishment
Writing always makes me feel accomplished even if I don’t get it published. When I write a good short story I feel accomplished… you know that warm bubbly feeling in you stomach. Haha. Or when I work on my book I feel accomplished every time I look at the page count! It’s just so cool to know that I’m making progress towards something that I want. Or even better then the page count would be the word count. You guys saw my posts for 100,000 words and how I was excited. Its things like that which make me feel accomplished. And heck getting published is an added bonus to finishing things.
There you have it. I hope it makes as much sense to you as it does to me. And perhaps it’s given you something to think about. Maybe you’ll pick up a pen and write.
I was talking to an old high school friend today and we got onto my writing and they asked me why I write. I can’t remember quite what I told them but I think it was rather lame and along the lines of because it’s fun. Then I really started to think about it. And I sort of came up with a much better explanation as to why I write. True it is fun but there are also a lot of other things that drive me to write. I thought of four good reasons that I write so here they are. Here’s why I write!
(1) Immortality
Now the allure to immortality is something that we have all felt at one time or another I’m sure. Just the whole thought of being able to see the world grow and change over millions of years seems fun. But I gave up the idea of living forever quite a while ago. But immortality to me now no longer applies to me living forever. Now it applies to my writing and what I’ll leave behind. I’m going to become immortal through the words that I write. Because no matter how you look at it writing is never going to be a dead art and reading is never going to be a lost talent. So I write because I want to be immortal through my words. I don’t care if people 1,000,000 years from now don’t know my life. But if they read my books then I’m immortal. Look at The Epic of Gilgamesh which (epic poem) it was recorded on 12 clay tablets in Ancient Mesopotamia and the earliest versions of the Epic date as early as 2150-2000 BC. People still read it today so whoever wrote it is, at least in my eyes, immortal.
(2) Escape
I have a fantastic life and I’m happy with it just as it is. Yet I still want to escape it. And when I get to escape it is when I write. I have the ability to put myself into whatever world I very well please. I can escape the life that I’m in now and paint myself a brand new one with words. If anything ever goes wrong in that escape of mine I can always shrug it off, rewrite it, or just forget about it. When I write I easily slip into my words and forget everything that is going on around me and I can come back whenever I want. No matter how fantastic your life is we all need an escape sometimes and writing is my escape.
(3) Fun
Writing is and always will be fun for me because I have control over everything that happens. Sometimes when I read books I wish I could make changes but since it is not my work I just have to hang on for the ride. But when I write I can change anything at anytime I want. Plus I can make things up. I can make a new language or a new land all of my own. If I really wanted I could make my humans purple and green. The fact that I can add or subtract tings is what makes writing fun because I make all the choices.
(4) Accomplishment
Writing always makes me feel accomplished even if I don’t get it published. When I write a good short story I feel accomplished… you know that warm bubbly feeling in you stomach. Haha. Or when I work on my book I feel accomplished every time I look at the page count! It’s just so cool to know that I’m making progress towards something that I want. Or even better then the page count would be the word count. You guys saw my posts for 100,000 words and how I was excited. Its things like that which make me feel accomplished. And heck getting published is an added bonus to finishing things.
There you have it. I hope it makes as much sense to you as it does to me. And perhaps it’s given you something to think about. Maybe you’ll pick up a pen and write.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Oatmeal
Good Morning,
I was on facebook and one of my friends had posted this on their wall and I thought it was soo funny because at one time or another slash all the time I’ve made all these mistakes. It’s titled “Ten Words You Need To Stop Misspelling”. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling.
Okay so I started looking around the sight and I found so absolutely hysterical things. Like The Motherf**king Pterodatyl. I never knew Pterodatyl was spelled with a P so I just got totally made fun of by Spencer and his friend Ryan. Yes I know fail on my part I can’t spell… but that’s what editors are for right? Haha. Look through the site cause it’s my new favorite.
I was on facebook and one of my friends had posted this on their wall and I thought it was soo funny because at one time or another slash all the time I’ve made all these mistakes. It’s titled “Ten Words You Need To Stop Misspelling”. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling.
Okay so I started looking around the sight and I found so absolutely hysterical things. Like The Motherf**king Pterodatyl. I never knew Pterodatyl was spelled with a P so I just got totally made fun of by Spencer and his friend Ryan. Yes I know fail on my part I can’t spell… but that’s what editors are for right? Haha. Look through the site cause it’s my new favorite.
Friday, January 1, 2010
"Interview" With Patrick Rothfuss
Happy New Year all,
Today I woke up in a fantastic mood. New year. New start. New page count to start. Haha. Any how I was just looking at Patrick Rothfuss’s blog and I was reading two interviews that he did with Nnedi Okorafor and Joe Abercrombie and I totally thought that the questions he asked were amazing. And being the total dorky freak that I am I thought that it would be funny/cool to take some of the questions from the interviews he did and answer them as if he interviewed me. Haha. And yes it’s true I have no life… I mean I sit around and write after all. Read the real interviews here (http://www.patrickrothfuss.com/blog/2009_12_01_archive.html) they are December 7th and December 30th. But you should also read all of Pat’s blog cause he pretty much kicks butt. Any how here’s my “interview” with Patrick Rothfuss.
Heya Taylor. Let's say you're at a party and you meet someone you wanted to impress. What sort of things about your writing career would you casually drop into the conversation to prove that you're awesome?
I’d probably start with the fact that I was a published author before I graduated high school and now as a college freshman I’m preparing the first book in my series for publication.
If you had to pick your favorite book of all time, what would it be?
That’s a hard question… so I think I’ll judge my favorite book by the ones I’ve read the most and that would be The Thief Lord and your book Name Of The Wind.
Really Name Of The Wind? What makes you keep rereading it?
It’s epic… haha. And it’s just addicting cause of the way you lay out the plot and the whole story within a story deal and your writing style is so eloquent. Plus Kvothe is a really nifty name.
Do you have a particular piece of grammar that you screw up regularly?
Then and Than always mixing up when to use Than. It used to be Fallow and Follow (cause I thought phonetically follow should have an A in it cause I say it fall-o… I know silly me) but I’ve got it just about straightened out.
I recently made a joke about Transition Putty on my blog. That being, of course, what we writers buy at Home Depot to smooth out our rough transitions. If you could have some sort of handyman tool like that, something like Plot Spackle or a Character Level, what would it be?
I could really do with some Epic Paint. For those bits where you need epicness but can’t quite come up with something cool enough so you’d just paint the epic onto the scene.
If you could punch one literary figure, who would it be?
Hehe this is probably going to offend a lot of people so I’ll just say why I’d punch this person and you can guess who it is. Vampire’s don’t sparkle. Nuff said.
Alexandre Dumas wrote his nonfiction on rose-colored paper, his fiction on blue, and his poetry on yellow. Do you have any little rituals that help you write?
I put on my “Writing Tunes” playlist. It’s a wonderful plethora of songs that inspire me and it changes every now and again to accommodate scenes and what not.
What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Okay so with my novel I had left a question sort of unanswered throughout the whole novel. And you know as the writer you know how it all plays out and I wasn’t sure if I was being as subtle and suave with it as I thought till one of my friends (who I met working at aftercare and is in middle school) asked me the question. I was sooo excited it made me really happy that I pulled it off. And I got to give her the “Well finish reading and you’ll find out” cocky response.
Which would you rather do: cut out 20% of your current book, or insert a wacky talking animal sidekick (a la Disney movie) into half the chapters because the marketing people think it would make the book sell better.
I’d probably go with the Disney character. Only I’d make it some random animal like a platypus or a llama so it would just be hysterical then I’d kill it halfway through the book and get back to the seriousness. Hahaha
That's all I've got. Thanks so much for the interview.
Thank you Pat this was mad awesome fun.
Oh goodness I’m such a dork! But I love it! Haha. I hope Pat doesn’t mind………
And I’d just like to say that I loved Ms. Okorafor’s response to the transistion putty question. She said “Natural-Looking Filler for those tough glaring gaps between the exciting parts of the story where crazy sh*t happens.” I can’t agree more slash I would love to have some right now… which I should be getting back to writing…
Today I woke up in a fantastic mood. New year. New start. New page count to start. Haha. Any how I was just looking at Patrick Rothfuss’s blog and I was reading two interviews that he did with Nnedi Okorafor and Joe Abercrombie and I totally thought that the questions he asked were amazing. And being the total dorky freak that I am I thought that it would be funny/cool to take some of the questions from the interviews he did and answer them as if he interviewed me. Haha. And yes it’s true I have no life… I mean I sit around and write after all. Read the real interviews here (http://www.patrickrothfuss.com/blog/2009_12_01_archive.html) they are December 7th and December 30th. But you should also read all of Pat’s blog cause he pretty much kicks butt. Any how here’s my “interview” with Patrick Rothfuss.
Heya Taylor. Let's say you're at a party and you meet someone you wanted to impress. What sort of things about your writing career would you casually drop into the conversation to prove that you're awesome?
I’d probably start with the fact that I was a published author before I graduated high school and now as a college freshman I’m preparing the first book in my series for publication.
If you had to pick your favorite book of all time, what would it be?
That’s a hard question… so I think I’ll judge my favorite book by the ones I’ve read the most and that would be The Thief Lord and your book Name Of The Wind.
Really Name Of The Wind? What makes you keep rereading it?
It’s epic… haha. And it’s just addicting cause of the way you lay out the plot and the whole story within a story deal and your writing style is so eloquent. Plus Kvothe is a really nifty name.
Do you have a particular piece of grammar that you screw up regularly?
Then and Than always mixing up when to use Than. It used to be Fallow and Follow (cause I thought phonetically follow should have an A in it cause I say it fall-o… I know silly me) but I’ve got it just about straightened out.
I recently made a joke about Transition Putty on my blog. That being, of course, what we writers buy at Home Depot to smooth out our rough transitions. If you could have some sort of handyman tool like that, something like Plot Spackle or a Character Level, what would it be?
I could really do with some Epic Paint. For those bits where you need epicness but can’t quite come up with something cool enough so you’d just paint the epic onto the scene.
If you could punch one literary figure, who would it be?
Hehe this is probably going to offend a lot of people so I’ll just say why I’d punch this person and you can guess who it is. Vampire’s don’t sparkle. Nuff said.
Alexandre Dumas wrote his nonfiction on rose-colored paper, his fiction on blue, and his poetry on yellow. Do you have any little rituals that help you write?
I put on my “Writing Tunes” playlist. It’s a wonderful plethora of songs that inspire me and it changes every now and again to accommodate scenes and what not.
What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Okay so with my novel I had left a question sort of unanswered throughout the whole novel. And you know as the writer you know how it all plays out and I wasn’t sure if I was being as subtle and suave with it as I thought till one of my friends (who I met working at aftercare and is in middle school) asked me the question. I was sooo excited it made me really happy that I pulled it off. And I got to give her the “Well finish reading and you’ll find out” cocky response.
Which would you rather do: cut out 20% of your current book, or insert a wacky talking animal sidekick (a la Disney movie) into half the chapters because the marketing people think it would make the book sell better.
I’d probably go with the Disney character. Only I’d make it some random animal like a platypus or a llama so it would just be hysterical then I’d kill it halfway through the book and get back to the seriousness. Hahaha
That's all I've got. Thanks so much for the interview.
Thank you Pat this was mad awesome fun.
Oh goodness I’m such a dork! But I love it! Haha. I hope Pat doesn’t mind………
And I’d just like to say that I loved Ms. Okorafor’s response to the transistion putty question. She said “Natural-Looking Filler for those tough glaring gaps between the exciting parts of the story where crazy sh*t happens.” I can’t agree more slash I would love to have some right now… which I should be getting back to writing…
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