Friday, January 22, 2010

What type of writer am I?

Happy Friday!

The best thing about college is picking your classes and this semester every weekend is like a three day weekend!! YAY! Any how I had my writing class yesterday and we had a prompt that we had to write and the prompt was to describe what type of writer we were. I was stumped! So I just went off on a tangent of what writing was to me. Then we had to share. So everyone was like “I’m a passionate writer” “I’m a technical writer” “I’m a procrastinating” “I’m an emotional writer”. Then some people also went off on little tangents about writing so I didn’t feel so stupid sharing mine.

Being a writer is something that I had idealized. When I was younger my mum would read to me and I loved it. I loved the stories the words wove even though I could not read them. When I had gotten older I learned that someone had written those books. That each book had been an idea in someone’s head at one point and that was so cool to me. Elementary school was full of writing but it was meaningless writing meant only to teach us how to write first in print then in cursive. Next was middle school and essays began to be assigned. That was when I began to hate writing because being dyslexic made spelling difficult for me and spelling always counted. Those three words “spelling always counts” became a phrase that I hated because it always condemned me to a bad grade. So I turned to books where the spelling was always correct and the far off lands made me forget I hated writing. Then the summer between seventh and eighth grade came about and my older brother and younger brother began drawing maps and going on about how they were going to write books. I decided I wanted to do the same so I started planning and drawing maps for this book I wanted to write. Then it came to putting pen to paper and actually writing it out. As soon as the world I was writing began to take shape I lost my self in my writing and I forgot that I hated essays. Writing my book was something fun and it did not matter that I spelled things wrong while I wrote it in my notebook. I would fix all of that later. My previous hate for writing had been washed away that summer so when I went back to school in the fall I was ready for whatever academic writing they had to pile on me. Academic writing no longer bothered me (even if spelling counted) because I had my world to slip into after school… or during class. Now it seems that all I do is write. It’s what makes waking up in the morning worth it!

TA DA! And there you have it… it doesn’t answer the question as to what type of writer I am but I liked it anyway. I still don’t know what type of writer I am… passionate. Of course I love my work… emotional. Heck ya I get so attached to my character… inspirational. I suppose I mean I inspire myself… mood. Indeed after all if I’m not in the mood I can’t write… procrastinating. Not so much after all I write all day it seems. So I suppose I’m a mix of a lot of “writer” types. I don’t write because I have to. I write because I want to. I don’t write for anyone other than myself. I enjoy ever minute of writing. So what type of writer am I? and my answer to that is ……

                           That’s a very good question I’ll let you know as soon as I find out!


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