Thursday, April 29, 2010


I realized today as I was walking out of my writing class that this semester was what college really is. Don’t get me wrong my first semester was fine and I loved it… but this semester really has me addicted to college. I took classes I wanted, not the ones I was told I needed to take (seriously worst orientation/ schedule making first semester. I was handed a list and told to take the classes there. Dumb.). I enjoyed every single class I took. I didn’t have to wake up early. I made friends. I was tight with my RA. And I’m sad it’s all ending. Six days till I’m done here. I won’t have to commute back for any classes (all my finals got moved to early next week) and I’m done. It’s sort of sad in a way cause I’m not coming back in the fall I’ll be at NYU. So for me it’s really strange. My suitemate is all excited for the summer break and how nice it’s going to be to be off campus for a few months and I’m like I’m never coming back. It’s like high school graduation… but different. like wacky different cause I’m changing schools and it’s not the high school to college school change it’s from one college to another… so I’m a bit wacked out about that…. Even though I’m still waiting for my NYU acceptance letter…. I still feel like I’m done here and not coming back.

And today was my last day of my writing class. And to be honest it was sad (I’m a dork I know). It’s strange because this whole semester I’d known that Writing 2020 was my favorite class and it wasn’t because of what we were learning or the essays we wrote, I mean ya those were fun, but what made the class was my teacher. She was such a huge influence! Like we would talk about things in class and I was like wow… that makes a lot of sense and she assigned us only two essays the whole semester but damn if those things didn’t challenge me and teach me something. And I realized while I was walking back from class (which btw it’s a beautiful day) I was thinking there have been very few teacher that I’ve had that actually TEACH me something. Ya I learn things but usually I forget it after a while. My writing teacher actually taught me things and it’s funny cause I’ve only ever had one other teacher who taught me something and that was my Creative Writing teacher senior year. Hmmm…. I see a trend… both teachers taught me writing… haha. But really that’s all my life is honestly and when someone can open my eyes to my writing and help me improve it’s the best thing in the world and that’s really what I got out of my writing course. By writing both the Literacy Narrative and the Process Narrative I sort of found out what my writing was and now I’m working on improving it all and it’s all cause of my writing teacher. I know there are people in my life that I was just destined to meet and my writing teacher was one of them. Sitting here writing this long rant makes me think even more about how the semester is over and my classes are over and when I walk out of my classes next week… I’m done. It feels liberating to have finished my freshman year in such a fantastic way!

So here is one more list… I think I forgot to mention. But Whiteman was my dorm this year. Lol and I was on the third floor… hence my lists… lol.

What I won’t miss about Whiteman 3rd floor
1) People deciding it’s okay to be super loud at 3 a.m.
2) People playing Frisbee in the hall
3) All the nice people who kept breaking the washing machine… yeah thanks
4) People slamming doors late at night
5) All the stupid annoying rude people
6) People being rude at floor meetings
7) The VERY loud dryer


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