Friday, December 12, 2014

Bucharest Has Stolen My Heart

I've been in Bucharest since Monday. I had planned on going to Transylvania for a day or two. That plan went out the window when my atm card got eaten and I had to stick with a budget. But I'm so very glad it turned out this way. I've walked around this city. Seen the parks and cemeteries.  Gotten lost and had some drinks. I had 300 lei to get me through.  And it will that even includes my hostel. This hostel will get a post all of it's own when I get home. I've made some friends here and been offered a job. Too bad it's so close to Christmas otherwise I'd be staying in Bucharest. But I'll be back I can just feel it. There's something about this city that has captured my heart in the best way. I love the communist architecture juxtaposed with the old buildings. There's something so functionaly beautiful about communist architecture. There's also abandoned house next to ones people still live in. I fell irrationaly in love with one such house. I like the weather and the Christmas market. I can't quite put my finger on what made me fall for this city but I have and on the eve of my departure I'm a bit sad to be leaving. I'm off to London tomorrow. I'm happy because it's one step closer to being home but I feel like I'll be leaving a bit of me behind. More so then normal. I'll just have to come back and collect it one day soon.

this is the view from my hostel dorm
my abandoned house I love
the house of parliament
the ever lovely Christmas market


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