Friday, March 25, 2011

College Kids

It’s week 9 here at UL which means the semester is more then half over since there are only 13 weeks in a semester. Since it’s so late in the semester it mean it’s Paper Season. For those of you not in college Paper Season is the time in a semester when all your classes have assigned you a paper and they’re due within a few days of each other. UL is no different from Kean. Between today and next Thursday I have 4 papers due.

But I’m fine with that. I love writing and I picked cool essay topics so it’s no prob. Besides the papers are only 3,000 words! The problem lies in the fact that I’m a college kid. This means I’d rather pull an all nighter then work on my paper leisurely over a few weeks.

So here’s the low down on my paper I just handed in… I started it Wednesday and by started I mean I browsed the internet for sources then attempted to browse the library. Found nothing in the library and after a mere 45 minutes of “working” on my paper I gave up because the library here frustrated me.

Thursday afternoon I typed up the intro and decided what I was going to write about. I also pulled up a bunch of sources and articles. After doing that I felt so accomplished and since the day was so warm and wonderful I met up with my friends at Sables and we had a pint.

Then this morning I woke up for my 9 am class threw on clothes went to class and came back home. I promptly sat my self down at the computer, after all I only had 5 hours till the paper deadline and I only had 500 words done. So I feverishly wrote out the rest of my essay and finished in only 3 hours. Smiling to myself I proof read it then looked back at the question to make sure I’d answered it…

The Second World War is sometimes referred to as a ‘People’s War’. how appropriate is this term for Europe?


It was supposed to apply strictly to Europe. I included American statistics in it as well!! Once I took out things applying to America I was down 700 words…. I had less then 2 hours to finish it, walk to campus, print, and turn it in. needless to say I was panicked. But I work great under pressure… so naturally I pounded out the rest of my paper and turned it in 45 minutes early.

That’s the college life right there!! Here's a song by Relient K that i love


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