Sunday, May 29, 2011

Teletubbies Travelers Extraordinaire

Alright this is a post that shall span my entire semester. Back in January while volunteering with my mum at The Barn thrift store I bought the whole clan of teletubbies as plush key chains. It was going to be just a joke when I got home. Then I decided why not bring them around Europe with me? It would be fun right?

So they got packed away in my suitcase and flew off to Ireland with me. I promised my brothers I’d do my best to take them with me and take pictures all across Europe with them featuring in said photos.

The first time I pulled one out to take a picture a friend asks me what I was doing. I explained that I promised my brothers I’d take pictures with them. She smiled sweetly and asked how young my brothers were. I told her, 22 and 18. I suppose she was shocked since she probably thought I’d say they were 5 or something.

After a while though the Teletubbies became quite famous among my group. They went on every trip I did. The only place I didn’t have pictures with them was in Greece and that’s because I totally forgot about them. But alas I have plenty of photos to make up for it!

Now enjoy the epic adventures of the Teletubbies.

^Laa-Laa chilling at the top of Torc Mountain^

^Laa-Laa taking in the views from the top of Torc^

^Laa-Laa master spelunker of Aliwee Caves ^

^The whole clan in Galway^

^Tinky Winky being fed in Galway^

^Tinky Winky taking in the water view in Galway^

^Tinky Winky on the plane to London^

^Po on the bus to London City Centre^

^Po in a London trashcan^

^Po infront of Alfred's Memorial^

^The gang at Buckingham Palace^

^On the Millennium  bridge^
^By tower bridge the unofficial "London Bridge"^

^Po on the train to Glasgow with money and a ticket^

^Dipsy at the Guinness storehouse on St. Paddy's Day!^

^Tinky Wibky going to the Vatican Museum^

^Po being giant by the Colosseo^

^Dipsy and Leamenagh Castle chilling out^

^Dipsy hanging out by Poulnabrone Tomb^

^Dipsy...on some cliff... near Ballyvaughn^

^Tinky Winky at the Cliffs of Moher^

^Tinky Winky warning visitors that you could fall off the cliff^

^More tinky Winky at Moher^

^Teletubbies on a picnic at the Cliffs. Their last outing in Ireland^


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