Monday, December 13, 2010

Insert Title Here

I’ve been working on my paper for my Revolutionary Era Europe class since I got the assignment two weeks ago. All I have written is the intro and conclusion. Now mind you I have an outline to go with it… I just haven’t written it. Why? I have Quotes to back my points up. I have the research. I have more then enough nifty ideas to tie it all together. So what’s holding me back? I can’t come up with a title I find suitable. It’s one of my downfalls I suppose… I can’t write a paper without first giving it an epic title. I can’t write a book without giving it a mindblowinly epic title. Sure I’ll change it but it needs a title for me to invest my time in it. I feel that if something doesn’t have a title and I’m going to be investing my time into it then I’m sort of afraid that I’ll drop it and move onto something else. So now I’m trying to come up with a title for my paper or else i'll be leaving it till tomorrow night and i don't want to do that.

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