Thursday, February 26, 2015

So I Finished It

I was just getting in to the swing of blogging and then I was side swipped by inspiration and suddenly my book was finished!
It was a crazy fest of writing and staying up late and skipping the gym and it all paid off. Like holy shit almost 148,000 words! Go me!

After finishing and reading it through I wrote a query letter and a summary.  Did some cyber stalking on a few agents. And I sent out my query materials to Prospect Agency. I'm crossing my fingers and giving that a weeks head start before I query 2 more agents.

So now that I've finished and I feel confident and bad ass I have a ton of free time. Over the last 2 days I keep convincing myself that I need to add just one more chapter.  I've done this about 4 times now and it needed to stop. I moved my manuscript off my computers desk top away into it's own folder of cuteness. Now I can't look at it till I have an agent!

Which means I'll be catching up on all my blogs. I still have all the fun bits of my trip to get too. I'll also be picking up one of my old book projects and starting that up... I just don't know which one yet. 

So strap yourself in for some epic blogs... in the near future. 


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