Monday, February 9, 2015

12 Flights 7 Weeks: London Round 1

Now that we’ve cleared up the Nebraska debacle I can continue on my European/ African adventure. Not that I had really started it. But the fun and stories shall begin!

I took off October 30th in the evening. And I landed early on the 31st in London Gatwick. I’d had a 2 hour layover in Reykjavik on the way over at about 5 in the morning. So by the time I got to London I was a bit frazzled because the plane ride was hardly enough time to sleep since it was about three hours to Reykjavik and then another almost 3 to London.

I was a bit nervous because as you all remember back in the fall of 2011 I was deported and all that fun stuff. When I was back in the UK in 2013 I had taken the ferry from Ireland and apparently their border control was meh in Wales. So this was my first time flying into the UK after being deported. I’d brought all my paperwork because I figured I’d have a problem. I was prepared!

 So it was my turn and I walked up and got the normal shake down. She had me sit in the little restricted area where they sort of detain you and I got my fancy slip of paper saying why I was being detained. The lady was really nice and she was like so I’ve just got to check the system and what not it shouldn’t take more then 15 minutes but you’ve still got to sit here. I took a seat and was like no problem! Then it was a half hour. And I was like shit I’m totally getting in trouble. I started planning my trip sans UK. I was coming up with plans from Iceland to Morocco and how to tell my friend Kelly we had to skip London and I couldn’t visit Edinburgh. 45 minutes and I was really sweating it. Finally I saw her coming out of the top secret back area and she calls me forward. I was totally sweating it! She gives me all my papers and passport and told me it took so long because she was updating the system so I was free to come and go as a tourist in the UK. I smiled thanked her and booked it!

I caught the local train into London. Hoped off at London Bridge and walked over to my hotel by Waterloo Station. I could have hoped on the tube but I really like walking. So I did. The hostel I stayed in, The Walrus, was really cool. It was the first time I stayed in a hostel that the common room was a bar. It would have been fabulous if not for the fact that I was really tired. The guy who checked me in was so happy to have an American about for the Halloween festivities. I broke it to him gently that I would be going to be early as I had been up since 8 am the day before.

My room was noisy because it was overlooking the Waterloo station tracks. But I love train noises so it was wonderful! After a short nap I grabbed my camera and walked over to Westminster. I’ve never really taken photos at night in London. It was lovely and fun and I was so excited to be in England!

My adventure was just beginning. The next morning I would be up bright and early to catch the train to Salisbury because it was Stonehenge day!

For future note of anyone who wants a hostel near Waterloo totally go with The Walrus. It’s right down the block and I really over estimated how early I should wake up, I could have slept for another hour and still made it on time for my train.

I would be in London 4 times this trip and I couldn’t wait! But first more adventures were to had!


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