Wednesday, November 11, 2009

oops... long time no post...

Hi All,

So I’m bored in philosophy class and I thought I’d blog because I’m not learning anything new…. I never do in this class… haha. Okay so being sick really dampened my whole typing this week I only got five pages typed….. ugh.But at least I’m typing. So I can’t complain too much. Anyhow… I’m still very close to 100,000 words in The Snowy Waste and I’m so freaking anxious to get there yet I seem to be making such slow progress and angers me.

I wrote a few good scenes for Crimson Clashed With Ivory and they pretty much hint at some big happenings yet you have to be well versed in Vampireness to pick up on them. So I’m way proud of me cause I’ve had a friend read them and not pick up on it at all. So it’ll be good because die hard vampire fans will get it and maybe put it together while others will have to wait for the epic OMG scene.

Oh and also more big news on Zayden’Ash (formally Samjedabar). I changed her appearance. So she’s even more exotic and mysterious. Okay so here is a bit of her character profile sheet that I have typed up…..

Basic Statistics
Full Name: Zayden’Ash Celestial Exyel
Preferred Nickname: Ash or Zay

Age: 52,487 Elsons
Date Of Birth: Shay’Dor 13, 33770 After Founding
Place Of Birth: Twin Talons

Current Residence: Twin Talons
Occupation: Queen Birth order: First Born of twins

Physical Characteristics
Height: 5’ 8”

Weight: 136 lbs
Eye Color: Left: Green Right: Blue
Hair Color: Silver (red and blue glint in it if the light catches it right when it’s long. if it’s cut short the red and blue are very bright)
Skin color: paleShape of
Distinguishing features: Black and red wings
Dress: prefers black leather pants and crimson linen shirt with a red tattered cape
Mannerisms: withdrawn, very proud
Habits: chews lip when she thinks
Health: very fit and in good health
Favorite Sayings: “Buggar off”
Speech patterns: speaks without contractions
Greatest flaw: her power and anger
Best quality: here loyalty

so there you go…. And sorry again for the long time without a post. I'll try to do better....


oh and p.s. whoot for 25 posts!!

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