Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Computer is a Dick

I’m getting around to finishing my travel blogs.  But first I’ve got to give you a heads up that from here on out there is going to be significantly fewer photos. Why? Because my lovely Felix (aka my computer) crashed hardcore.

I took him into the apple store and they rebooted him but I had to sacrifice everything. The guy working on Felix had never seen a Mac crash they way mine had. He couldn’t get my files. And the hard drive repaired but then Felix was all like no there is no hard drive here. And he argued with the apple guy for a bit. Felix ended up having the last laugh because he stole all my files and had to be set back to a blank slate. It sucked.

And what sucked even more was I didn’t have anything but my manuscript backed up.  So I cried…. A lot for a whole day. And I sulked a bit. When I say a bit I mean a lot.

Then I decided I should check my mum’s computer to see if I had left any writing files on it.

Turns out I had everything backed up on her computer from when I got my Mac last year! So all I ended up losing was last years photos aka my grand adventure pictures. All I have are what I posted on Facebook and what’s on my phone…. But it shall suffice!

I’m still a bit depressed over losing a new YA book I had started. But it was only 20 some odd pages, nothing to really cry over since I’ve already restarted it and had all the important things written down in my inspiration notebook. No real harm done. The way I see it if I want super epic pictures again I’ll just have to go back….

So without further ado and without any more moping I shall finish up my posts!


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