Thursday, October 21, 2010

The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind

“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind” ~Dr. Wayne Dyer

Now… incase you all haven’t gotten it I’m pretty much the most positive person I know. I take a lot of shit and still come out on top. Why? Because Karma aka what goes around comes around. If people are shitty to me that’s there issue and they’ll have to deal with the consequences when they come. So that’s why I care very little about other’s opinions. Be my guest and bad mouth me, I really don’t care. Also I’ve gotten my fair share of rejections (with my novel and college) but that’s all good, sure I cried a wee bit but I keep positive because if you’re positive and send out positive vibes then you’ll attract positive things. Besides smiling and being positive is a heck of a lot more fun then frowning al day. Finally all of my positiveness in negative spots and my build up of karma points is getting me places. No surprise by the way.

I’m going abroad next semester. That makes me super excited. I’ve been preparing my application (for the 3rd time) for NYU. Now all of that has been going smoothly. BUT!!!!! I’ve decided to give up on my dream of going to NYU…. Actually let me change that a bit cause I’m not given up entirely on NYU…. Um let’s see…. I’ve changed my dream (yes I like the way change sounds there). I’ve decided NYU shall be where I get my PhD in History. Yay for me! And for my final two years of college I’m applying to London Metropolitan University. Pretty cool right. They even have a Forensic Science major!! Whoop! And I’ll be in England, somewhere I’ve always wanted to live. So I’m applying there… sorry NYU…. And I’ll be able to get an internship with the London Metropolitan Police. SO my new plan is to live over there finish college there and work for a year or two in the London forensic department of the PD then transfer to the NYPD move back to the states and start my PhD! Whoop! And I’m so super hyper and excited about this!

Now that I’ve talked your ear off I’m done! Hahaha. Have a fantastic day!


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