Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Dorm Hates Me

My dorm really honestly hates me…. Now don’t get me wrong I love living on campus and my dorm this year pretty much kicks ass. It’s apartment style so I’ve got a living room, a full size fridge and a sink area and a bathroom (which my roommate and suitemates can sing and make noise in and won’t wake me up). So I’ve got it made dorm wise. Oh and did I mention my residence hall is supposedly haunted… cool right. That’s all cool and dandy, but it doesn’t keep my dorm from hating me. I’ll start with the long running problem of my posters…. They don’t stay up on the wall. Last year I had no problem I stuck on poster hangers and BAM they stuck up alllllll year. This year move in day I stick them up with poster sticky tabs (same ones I used last year) and no joke 10 minutes later they fall down. After me sticking them back up a dozen or so times I decide maybe I should tape them. So out comes scotch tape I stick them up and am happy to report that they stayed up for a whole day (at east) then they started falling again. Some of them stayed up and are still up but the problem child…

Yes that’s him the cute dino one (note the duct tape on the left hand corner). He never fails to fall down. Once a day I have to stick him back up. Even with duct tape he falls down, over, and over, and over, and over… well you get the picture I’m sure. On the upside he’s above my desk so when he falls he just flops on top of my books and stuff. It still irritates me.

And now the best part of all the fun…. The bathroom ceiling now drips on you!!! Yay! And it’s a pretty tiny cause it’s just the toilet and tub. So pretty much anywhere you stand you get dripped on. I’m praying that it’s not like toilet water or something gross.

Other then that my dorm rocks.


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