Friday, June 1, 2012

To The Stars and Back

I failed to mention in my last post about recent things that I’d attended the Mind Body Expo last month. I walked around, found some cool stones and what not. The ping to the pong was when we met Steve.

He sells rocks. But I swear not in a boring rocks outside rocks. It’s the special rocks like this assortment that I picked up between the Mind Body Expo and the Holistic Fair in Allentown.

Well what are they you ask?? And what makes them so special? Well for those of you who don’t know crystals and stones have special properties that aid in different things. Like see that big pink stone on the top left? That’s a rose quartz it works with the Heart Chakra. It’s good for forgiveness, female energy, detoxing, releasing anger and phobias. Under that is Amazonite it’s a “feel good” stone and helps with creativity along with healing the aura. Now at the top of the next “row” is a green opaque stone that’s Green Calcite, it calms emotions and helps panic attacks. Under that is a Zebra Stone it works with the sacral chakra, brings compassion, combats shallowness, and is good for your teeth and gums. Under that the deep purple stone is Mookaite. It works with your base chakra, aids in creativity, grounds you, good for dreams and builds self esteem. Under that is a Dunbar Opal. I love this stone I have an arrow head necklace with this (see below shenanigans). It aids in clearing your aura and space. To the right of he Mookaite is a piece of hematite. Hematite is one of my favorite stones, I wear at least on hematite ring all throughout the day. It’s a fantastic grounding stone. It brings strength and love. The shiny stone on the top right is Goldstone, it deflects unwanted energies and is a good healing stone. And that really cool looking last stone’s name slips my mind but I do remember that it’s good for balancing all your chakras. 

Annnnnd now that you see stones can be really cool back to Steve. So we met Steve at the Expo. While there I got my lovely Shiva Lingum (I think that’s the right spelling).

Isn’t it cute. And it sleeps right by my head…

Why sleep with a rock? It give me good dreams and good stories to write. We were also first introduced to Shr, Star Sirius, and Rohan. And then there’s me in the picture.

Those skulls are so amazing. On Steve’s sight Star Sirius is described as this “The skull has been on the earth plane for millions and millions of years. I don't know when it was carved but it has wonderful energy. Just put each hand on each of its temples and close your eyes and off you go. Star Sirius is like a spirituals shortwave radio you tune into your own station of information. It will take you out of this world into the anther realm Come and feel it yourself!”

Now let me tell you about Star Sirius. Both times that I’ve sat with him…

It’s been crazy! The first time I just got a trip around the stars but last time I sat with him at the Fair I got more of my past life story that started in Charles’ class. And boy was it a lot more to go on. I’ve done a lot more writing on that story. It’s getting to be quite long. So I’m thinking if I can pull it all together I might like to put it into a book.

The other two skulls are interesting as well. I’ve only gotten warm energy off of Shr, it was like a warm tingling that started in my hands. Rohan didn’t talk to me the first time but last time he was talking to me about ancient birthing techniques. At first it made 0 sense to me. But once I talked with Star Sirius it ended up making a lot of sense.

Also I forgot to say that at the Expo we picked up necklaces.

The stone it’s made out of is called Ascensionite. It’s great for grounding but at the same time it helps to expand the consciousness. I sleep with it on every night. And I love it. I wear it every day with all my other necklaces.

I know I wear a lot of necklaces but each one helps with different things so it works out great for me. And plus I think all of them are really pretty.

So here’s Steve’s site for the skulls….. And for his crystals. If there is an expo or something near you that Steve is attending I’d totally tell you to go. Here’s where he’s at for the rest of the year.


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