Thursday, August 4, 2011


I realized I haven’t done a lot of reading since I went away to Ireland. I’ve read 4 really good books since January. Pitiful right? On the bright side it’s summer and I always do a ton of reading! So I’m happy I can just curl up and read. Plus I don’t have to stress about my manuscript because that’s off to the publishers and I’m crossing my fingers. So my schedule is wide open for reading. Which means I’ll probably have more blog posts on books to come. Right now I’ll tell you about 2 very good books.

This fist book is super creepy… but a good creepy. I picked it up in London. It was the first time I’d traveled without a book so when I decided to stay at the hotel for the night I figured I needed something to do so I stopped by a book store by the Gloucester Road station and Picked up Dancing Jax by Robin Jarvis. I originally bought it because I liked the cover…

Then I started reading it. And it’s rather creepy but a good creepy.

And what is this here book about you ask? Well it’s about a book. And not just any book, a demon book, called Dancing Jacks. Whenever someone reads the book they become a character from the book, and not all the characters are nice. Martain (a school teacher) is put right in the middle as first tragedy strikes then weird things begin to happen as more and more read Dancing Jacks. And it all starts with a group of thieves finding crates of books in the basement of a haunted mansion.

This is only the first part and the second book will be published next year. I’m actually looking forward to reading more because the way they ended the first book!! I love writing cliffhangers but reading them… grrr! I dislike the wait but I know it’ll be worth it since the first book was absolutely amazing. Not to mention absolutely British. They used terms and places that I had to look up a few times to understand what was going on but that just made me love it even more!

And now allow me to commence a rant on Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. As most of you probably know I’m a HUGE fan of Pat’s and I’ve been waiting patiently for this book to come out for a few years now. As I’m sure you could have guessed with my elated post when I first got the book. I had brought it with me on spring break and ended up reading about half of it. Then I stopped and waited till I got home to finish it since I was so sad I’d nearly finished it. I wanted to savor the book… and I did… and it was amazing! Everything about it made me so happy.

Wise Man’s Fear picks up where Name of The Wind left off. Kvothe continues to narrate his life first at University then at his travels. After mishaps befall him at the University he is advised to take a break from school to avoid a high tuition. Kvothe is left with few options till a possible patron comes into his life. Little did Kvothe know that the quest to gain a patron would lead him along a trying path. And an old enemy would make an appearance.

Annnd yeah… It’s everything that I could ever dream of in a fantasy book. Plus Pat is an amazing author. So you should read it, but as it’s the second book in a series you’ll want to start with The Name of The Wind first.
And that’ll be it for now. I’ll try to get around to other books soon.


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