Thursday, September 29, 2011

The D Word


That’s right I got detained and deported. Cool right? Hahaha not really. Not at the time but now it’s rather funny and a great story. Would you like to hear it?

Alright then, let me preface it with the fact that I’d started my Visa application in July when I applied for my CAS number… that was frustrating it took a month for me to get it. So by the time I actually applied for my Visa it was nearly time for me to leave. But I got it all done and sent it off… I didn’t know they needed my Passport…so off to France I went happy and hoping for a visa. Honestly I don’t know what I was thinking.

But alas I got a call when my application papers were returned and put on hold since they needed my passport. But I could enter the UK as a tourist for 6 months and that would be more then enough time for me to get it stamped over winter break. So I was off to London all happy and excited I was actually doing what I wanted.

Then I got held up at the border since I hadn’t put a date I was leaving… and didn’t have a ticket to leave… I then had to explain everything. So I got detained as I didn’t have my visa stamped.

I was frustrated. They searched my bags and what not asked me a lot of really dumb questions and the same questions in different ways. Like where I was going to school. Where in London was I going to school. What school I was studying at. It was annoying but I answered them all and apparently they decided I was indeed telling the truth because they cleared me from more questions and told me I was probably getting sent back to Frankfurt as that was the last place I was.

Now starts the fun. The place where you have to wait I swear looks just like a doctors office waiting room. White walls uncomfy chairs TV books and magazines. Although it wasn’t too bad it was just me and a two other people. They slept most of the time though.

By now it was after 21h00 and I should have been at my hostel by now. I knew my parents and boyfriend were waiting for a text saying I got there okay. But I couldn’t have my phone to text so I decided it was time I made a phone call. First I tried my mum’s cell… no answer. Then I tried the house phone… no answer. I’d forgotten my dad’s cell so the only person I could think to call was my older brother. I remembered his number because it’s one digit off from mine. So I called him up… it was awkward. I felt so retarded calling him and pretty much confirming that his I am not the sharpest crayon in the box. Apparently he was in the car and pulled over to take the number to call me at and called my mum.

Needless to say it turned into a total clown operation getting things sorted out for me. My boyfriend couldn’t call the number so my mum had to log onto my face book to talk to him. It all got sorted out… after about a dozen calls from my mum. And then I settled in for the night.

The detaining officer who had taken my info, Victor, had asked me how I felt that I was probably getting sent back. I told him I didn’t care, I had everything I needed to get my visa at a consulate or worst I had to fly home get it stamped and fly back. He thought it was funny that I didn’t mind. It was just a hassle I had to wait till 7h 15 the next morning and I got taken into custody around 20h00 that night.

I picked up a book I saw on the shelf (I had nothing else to do, they had all my belongings…). It was called Vlad so I started reading. Then Victor asked if I wanted to watch Amadeus with him and the other officer. It’s a funny movie and I obviously had nothing else to do so I did. We chilled in their office watching the movie. It was great craic. They thought it was funny that even though I wasn’t a threat or had a horribly serious reason to be deported that they were still required to do everything by the books with me.

I stayed up all night drinking coffee and reading. I was really hoping I’d be able to finish the book… sadly I only got to page 296 and I still had another hundred or so. It was super good so I’m going to have to go to a book store to buy it.

So 7h00 rolled around and two other officers came to take me to the plane. It was great! I got a personal escort even though they didn’t seem like they were paying attention to me they were chatting about some sport thing. I got to skip all the lines! And if you know anything about lines while boarding Ryanair you should think about getting deported. I didn’t have to wait to board and I got to cut people getting on the plane and on top of all that… I had my own reserved row! I got the whole second row to myself! Super cool right!

I landed back at Frankfurt Hahn. Now there’s more fun here! I had to wait for another personal escort off the plane to immigration. They looked at my passport and my papers on why I was sent back. They flipped through my passport and okayed me. So I grabbed my things and went on my way. Simple.

Now all I have to do is go to Düsseldorf. There’s a British Embassy there and I’m hoping to get my visa stamped there so I can be in London for late registration next week!


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