Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Writer's Block


So I’ve run into a little bit of a problem…. I’ve got a slight case of writers block. I wrote so much that I’ve run out of good stuff it seems. I don’t feel like typing from my notebooks because the whole Vayger scene is changed now so it’s nothing like the notebooks anymore… I want to change it more but I don’t quite know where I want to take it. But on the up side I’ve got over 75,000 words typed! Yay! So I’m not to miffed that I’m blocking up right now. Besides I’m about half way though the events in the book….. And since I’ve got an over abundance of time now at college I have to do something…. So I’m trying to type new snippets of the epic plot twist. And they’re coming out okay… not the best but okay. So anyway this is just a short post cause I had two really long ones yesterday.

Aaaand I was going to put up the map… but it turns out I don’t have it scanned to my laptop. Awesome! So instead here’s the Exyel and Dar family tree. Each row is a generation… red lines are children and blue lines mean they’re married…. Yup well that’s also in the key. Enjoy!

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