Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Toast To Ireland

This was meant to be put up in January but it simply wasn’t ready till now. And I would like to dedicate this to every one who was in Ireland with me. On this VERY Irish day I post this for you all…

Our whole life we walk in and out of people’s lives. Some we stick around for years before finally exiting quietly. Others we storm in and out of leaving deep prints behind. A few you walk purposefully into and settle down to become friends. And sometimes you stumble through doors and hang around for a mere four months. 

When I left to Ireland. I found my self stumbling in to so many lives. And I found people stumbling into mine. Some would stay around for the semester. Other were simply someone to board a plane with. A tiny number were the ones that have settled themselves so deeply in my life that if they left I might not be able to take it. But to all of you who stumbled into my life you changed me. Going to Ireland didn’t change me. It was the people I met that did. 

We as humans seem to take for granted the bond of friendship. We simply assume there will always be someone there. When in reality we only have as much as we put out.  There are times that you befriend the oddest assortment of people simply so you don’t feel lonely thousands of miles from home. Some of you were annoying. Others were rude. A few were douche bags. But who am I talk? Most of you could probably say the same about me. But we all got along in our stumbling awkward escapade around Ireland. 

Hanging with the Americans was pleasant… a little straw of home among a haystack of new things. Being around the Europeans was a breath of fresh air to my stale life. But I had an elite group of friends that shattered my old life. They stormed into my life, no apologies, no excuses, and they liberated me from a rut I hadn’t realized I’d fallen into. And even now I feel I can reach for and achieve new things simply because they support me.

Our time in Ireland came to a close and we all parted ways. I left with no regrets… I hope you did too. Most of you I haven’t seen since and probably will never see again. We closed those doors as we had outlived our usefulness to each other. There a some of you I see blurbs of your life on Facebook. We’ve left these doors ajar as a small invite to each other if we should ever find a need for each other again. Then there are the few I rely on in my time of need, the one who’s learning my deepest secrets and the one who has my heart. These doors I hope they never close.

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