Monday, March 19, 2012

A Bit Of Nerding Out

 So if you all recall Suvudu’s Cage match…. Purely epic right? Well what’s eve more epic is there doing another one this year. You heard me right. Here’s the original bracket

Due to my tardyness in blogging they’re into the third round now.
Recap for Round 1
Recap for round 2

Why do I seem to care so much about such extravagant nerdyness? Because I love reading!! And this year yet again they’ve got some of my favorite characters. Like Bast from Pat Rothfuss’s King Killer Chronicles. And my newest favorite character Kylar Stern from Brent Weeks Night Angel series. First off I’ll rant a bit about Brent Weeks.

When I embark on travels I like to bring a book with me. So when I headed to Europe in September I brought with me The Way of Shadows. But sadly it sat around for most of the time since I had other fun things to occupy my time with in France (mainly my super cute boyfriend). Then my Spain travels rolled around and I found myself spending a lot of time in airports and on busses and in hostels all by my self. Naturally I was happy I had my book with me. In the 12 days I was alone I blew through the book. It made me look forward to waiting in the airport. It’s an amazing book and actually it’s going in my next set of book reviews I’ll be putting up somewhere in the near future… But back to Kylar. He’s the main character and is so fucking badass. Like I can’t even describe it!

So go HERE and vote for him this week as he fights against Lev Grossman’s Julia Wicker. Because well… Kylar is hotter (i mean check him out) and cooler and epic.

After you do that go HERE to vote for Bast. He’s Pat Rothfuss’s character… nuff said. Plus come on at the end of Wise Man’s Fear there is clearly more to him and it’s leaving me chomping at the bit! Damn Pat and his amazing writing!!

Then for the rest of the battles do as you wish… because in my heart I want Bast and Kylar to get to the final so they can deck it out!! 

Cheers Mates!!

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