Thursday, March 15, 2012


So I’ve been home from France for nearly 3 months now and what have I done with myself?
I’ll be straight with you. Absolutely nothing.

I’m taking online courses to fill my time but I don’t really feel like going back to university because everything I’m learning I’ve already learned. That’s how it’s always been with my university classes and I hate it. You pay all this money to get an education and really it’s nothing more then a rehashing of high school. It pisses me off. I want to find something to do with my life that will mean something. After all a Bachelors Degree is really just a piece of paper. And my life has hundreds of pieces of paper… what would one more do for me? 
So now as I work on my new book each day I keep questioning my life. What path am I supposed to be on. Surely signs will begin to crop up. Am I doomed to be at university for four more years rehashing everything I’ve learned both in school and from books? That’s not what I want. Besides that would only put me nearly $100,000 in debt and if I don’t get a job right off the bat… well I’m nearly screwed to hell for the next 30 years of my life paying it all back and for what? A piece of paper. 

What’s stopping me right now from dropping this prospect in light of something more exciting something more thrilling. Something that will give me a feeling of comfort in my soul instead of credentials that might mean nothing in a few years. 

Where do I look for such a lovely life option? 

When you find out let me know. I’ll just be here working on my book pondering the meaning of my life and where fate will take me next…

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