Monday, January 17, 2011

Time To Fly

Right now I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my flight. I honestly don't see why I had to get here so early. The flight info online said to get here 3 hours before the flight and I was. And now I'm waiting. I'm waiting for my flight at 7 tonight. The longest part of check in was waiting in the line. Then I had to go through the security. Again it took longer to wait in line. And here I was stressing these last few weeks about making sure I followed regulations on everything and I passed right through. So now I've just got to wait. I anticipated this and brought books to read. Right now I'm reading The Crimson Petal and The White. It's pretty good so far... It's about a prostitute Sugar who lives in Victorian London and rises through society. So until my flight I intend to put a good dent in this book.

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