Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Escape

It seems life truly does have a purpose for us all and weather we like it or not we’ve got to fulfill it. You can fight it but life will keep throwing you curve balls till you get the message. I should have been paying more attention because I’ve been hit by a lot of curve balls lately and only now did I realize perhaps the path I was on wasn’t the best for me. So I’m going to take a vacation from life. I’m going to escape the norm.

When most kids say they’re taking a semester off it means a couple things, but most of the time it means they’re not going back. I feel like a bit of a loser saying I’m taking a semester off but alas I don’t have much of a choice. I can’t get my visa stamped in a foreign country and there is no way I’m taking an $800 and 8 hour flight home to get one stamp and repeat the process to get back in less then a week. So what to do with my life?

I could wallow in despair. Blame people for my mistakes. Hate everything. Go home with my tail between my legs.


I could shrug off my failures and take advantage of the situation. I’m in Europe. There are 50 countries to visit. Thousands of years of history to explore. And friends to see. Why should I go home?

True I miss my family… a bit. But I talked it all over with my parents and they have no issue in supporting me and my world travels. So I’m going for it. I’m going to see places I used to day dream about!

This means when I get back to school next semester and get bogged down in school for the next few years I won’t feel trapped. I plan on doing years of living in this short time. And I’m going to look around at schools… I may stay with my choice of London… or I may find a cooler school somewhere else. I’m American but I don’t have to go to school there and I sure as hell don’t have to act like your typical American.

So my escape starts now…


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