Thursday, December 1, 2011

Elephants in Milan

You probably think I’m off my rocker saying I saw elephants in Milan. But I did. I saw a whole parade of them. 
Elephant Parade is a open-air exhibition (the world’s largest in fact). It’s dedicated to saving Asian elephants from extinction. And what it is is an exhibition of hundreds of painted elephant sculptures. These sculptures are scattered around cities for a few months. Like Milan they were there from 15 September till 16 November. Right now they’re in Singapore.

So cute right? And at the end of the exhibition a famous auction house auctions them off and the proceeds go toward saving the elephants.  It funds projects all over Asia, the main one being The Asian Elephant Foundation. It also goes toward elephant hospitals and the leasing of land where elephants can migrate, breed, and live long happy lives. Super cute right? 
I went on the Elephant Parade website and saw all the cute elephants they’ve painted for the exhibition and I wish I could have seen more in Milan. But the ones I saw were so freaking cute too. My favorite one is the one with the pencil and the poem on the back. 
Here's what's on his back: 
"My Name is Elephamm and i live over the rainbow... I met by chance a creative spirit called Amm who told me his tribe's story, free spirits able to speak through the voice of the heart. Special people who catch the sight of the rainbow and set off for a colour to get up on it to live there and communicate with all the living creatures through the universal language of the light. 
I shared with Amm my experiences and my dreams and he taught me how to draw stories which came out from the heart.  in order to help me, he gently slid in one of my big ears to talk directly to my soul.
We played, talked and laughed and we were moved to tears by watching on Youtube the story about Mosha little elephant who was moving his first steps after his leg being healed from a mine explosion. i convinced Amm to remain inside me to help me get on the rainbow and to learn how to talk his language.
i walked over the rainbows all around the world with Amm and my legs blotted with all their colours. My blue eyes, as big and pure as babies' ones, are still capable of dreaming. And with the pencil, I always carry with me, I can draw how i feel. I have told my stories to all other little elephants and i have become the herd's head. they have decided to follow me on the first rainbow that will rise in Milan, connecting their trunks in a single row.
We will be able to observe the world from a peaceful, joyful and friendly place from above...Far away from fear for mines and poachers and from a world where men don't communicate anymore and cry for their incapabilities. For this reason on shiny and sunny days we will try to send some light rays to men, through our hearts, in order to light up their self consciousness for a few seconds and let them start to perceive what they can't see and feel anymore"

Just so adorable. I hope I get rich and famous one day so I can go to the Elephant Parade auction and buy a cute one! In the mean time I might get a mini one from the webstore…

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