Sunday, February 7, 2010

Shiny Objects

Good Evening,

Today was bundles of fun even though it did not go as planned. Now here in Jersey we got snow and quite a bit of it. It was supposed to be my mum’s surprise birthday party today that I had planned. Then I sent out a message Thursday to the people coming that if the roads were bad we would cancle. So I called my dad first thing this morning to see how much snow we received at home cause on campus we got a wee bit. Turns out we got about 8 inches so my dad said the party was off. And I was chill with that but I still wanted to go home cause I’m bored of campus on the weekend. So I went home. And come seven o’clock when the party was supposed to start guess what happens… people show up. Ya good game dad. I felt soooo embarrassed cause I had planned to make stuff but since my dad said it was off I never did. But it still turned out very good. And my mum loved it so my severe embarrassment was worth it in the long run.

Now I was originally going to post my “Writing Tunes” playlist that I’m listening to now for edits… Then I got side tracked cause my writing professor sent out feedback for our class blog and grades. Now one of the prompt we did in class had to do with our writing process and I sat there for a bit in class looking at my blank word document cause I’ve never honestly thought about my writing process. So I just started writing whatever popped into my head that I do when I write or prepare to write. In the email I received for feedback for the prompt was that she was looking for a “sherlock-holmsey observation of what you do when you write” and I loved the phrasing of it but I am beyond stumped about what to write or even look for what my process is. It’s not really something I look for when I sit to write it just happens I suppose without me noticing. So needless to say this keeps bugging me that I don’t know what my writing process is when I’m an author for cry out loud! Beyond frustrating! And every time I try to observe what I’m doing I get too caught up in edits or writing. Like I guess I have a general idea of what it is but nothing even close to what my professor is looking for I’m sure. And it keeps occupying my mind when I start to write cause I’m like what am I doing that would be my writing process. Then I get distracted like this idea is some shiny object that keeps stealing my attention from other writing tasks. Just thought I’d share how frustrating it is that I don’t know my own writing process…


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