Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bye-Bye Writers Block

Hi ya,

So awesome news!! I finally got over my writers block with The Snowy waste! Whoot! So I decided to honor my lack of writers block with an all night writing fest. So far it’s going great. I’ve been at it since midnight and I’ve typed almost 5,000 words. I’ve typed 11 pages manuscript style (one inch margins arial 10 double spaced). So I’m pretty proud of me. And I’m having a riot typing cause as I think I’ve mentioned I’ve chucked out most of what I had written in favor of some new plot twists and just general tweeks that will connect it and make it flow better. So I’ve been adjusting that tonight. I was so excited I added in two battle scenes…. Hehe I have such a bad addiction to those things. Over all in what I have typed for The Snowy Waste I’m fast approaching 100,000 words!! I’m at 81,000ish now so when I hit 100,000 words we’re having a party! Haha any how I just wanted to share that I’m working on the series again. I’m still coming up with ideas for my vampire book but I’m going to pass on typing. I just want to work on the series so I can finish The Snowy Waste! I’m just so excited that it’s my main focus again! Yay! So as a bonus for you all here’s a little tid bit of what I’ve typed tonight.

This is just some down time/kill time till it gets good. But basically they just left Vayger and they found out that Vayger wasn’t welcoming at all and they lost their horses there so they are on foot…. Which sucks for them…. a lot. So here you go!

The air was crisp and cold when the five awoke later that day. Even though noon had passed the air was still freezing. Neal rubbed his hand together to try and bring some warmth into them. Jamie started a fire with nothing but magic and Billy helped her keep it up so they could all warm up and eat before they started their long walk north. It was going to be tough without the horses but they had to make it. Winter was upon The Waste but it had yet t snow and that made the questers a little apprehensive because it meant that the snow would come soon and there was a great possibility that they would be caught in that storm. If they were caught in that storm it would spell doom for the surely. So it was wise of them to get right back to walking after they were warm.

Muscles were sore from yesterdays fleeing but no one complained because they knew that they needed to do this. They needed to get to The Twin Talons before they were all caught and killed in a storm. As they trudged north not many words were exchanged for they knew it was easier to keep walking then to talk and waste precious energy. So one foot was paced in front of the other and they walked stride after stride north. When night fell they had covered good ground but not enough to bring them to The Talons on the next day. It would be at least another day if not more and the way the wind was blowing it felt like a snow storm was on it’s way. But they kept walking. It would have been easier with the horses and it would have been a nicer journey because they legs wouldn’t have been aching so much… but they could deal. They all knew what they had to do.

Sore legs was a small price to pay for the peace of Exyel. All of their struggles would work out for the better. Exyel needed them to finish this and they would even if they had to walk the whole way they would complete it. They would see this quest through till the end. It was this thought that kept them walking over the hard cold ground of the waste. It was this that made them pull their cloaks tight around them as they trudged on. Even with their gloves on their fingers froze and their hands shook from cold. Through two layers of socks and through their boots the cold seeped. They would stop periodically so Jamie and Billy could start a fire and warm them all before they continued on.

Day slipped into night and they stopped for rest. This time though they all had enough sense to make a fire to sleep by. After the fire was secured for the night and they had all eaten they fell asleep without much thought or talk. The days journey had taken a lot of energy and they were all anxious to get it back. So sleep blessed them all.

Hoped you liked it!!


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