Wednesday, January 27, 2010

College and Edits

Hi Hi,

Over the last few day’s I’ve been slipping back into college mode, winter break totally threw me off. So I’ve been going to classes which all my classes this semester are FANTASTIC!!! And don’t know if any of you all noticed but I made a new blog. It’s for my writing course. I’m tots def psyched about that class cause I’m hoping it’ll help me sharpen my skills a bit. And I’m sooo excited about the name of it cause I wanted to choose a cool, witty, intriguing, title and it kept eluding me till I looked over my outlines for my series. I borrowed the title for the last book in the second series. Muhahaha I felt so clever! Only down side of all my awesome new classes is the fact that I’m going to have a huge work load this semester so I’m a little tense because that’s cutting into my editing time on The Snowy Waste. But I’m still going for it. I’m only 14 pages in right now which is a bit sad. I keep agonizing over the beginning. Cause I’ll get an awesome idea and modify it then when I go back to it it just looked mucked up… so I just gave up on it yesterday and started working through the rest of it seeing as I have so much to do! It’s almost twice the amount of pages of A Colorless Myth and that took me about three months of hardcore editing to work through it three times… so I’ve gotta get cracking if I want to send it out this spring. But I suppose I should make Fridays my intense writing day since I have no classes… actually that’s a superb idea! Oh man I love when I’m smart! So I just hope I can edit. Edit. Edit. And Edit some more so I can send it to Daw. Because Daw doesn’t require queries I just have to send in my whole manuscript sooooo….. ya…. I’m totally looking forward to printing over 300 pages. Hahahaha what a party! So I’m probably going to edit and put off my boring Algebra homework. It’s seriously easy stuff so whoever is in college and can’t factor I will personally smack you because it’s so easy it’s boring. Wish me luck on edits!


P.S. Whoot for 50 posts!

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