Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Second Semester Whoot! and Raven-ness

Good Evening,

Today was my first day of classes and I had bio tonight 7:30-10:15. I was tots def scared that I would do horrible in the class because I last took bio junior year of high school. Turns out I was afraid for nothing. My professor asked me to stop answering questions so other people would have a chance. I guess that means I’m going to breeze through this class! Yay! Plus it helped remind me why I’m going to be majoring in bio… cause it’s awesome!!!!! Hahaha. Needless to say I’m very excited about this semester. I can’t wait for tomorrow I have two classes Nazi-Era Germany Pre Holocaust (can anyone say AWESOME!!!) at 1:55 and Algebra at 6:00. So over all a very nice day. Oh and in case you didn’t notice I redid my blog…. Again…. It’s just way to much fun to change the appearance. Oh so while I was slacking all day I wrote some awesomeness for Cry of The Raven/ Quest Quartet because Cry of The Raven overlaps hehe. Aaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd ya I think that’s it for now…


P.S. Here’s a part of Cry of The Raven….

     The silver washed city lay out in front of Raven, candles burned in some windows while others were black. A sigh escaped his lips as he tilted his head to the left… then the right… the castle was directly in every window. “What a waste… those candles could be in the dark houses of peasants who can hardly pay your damn taxes.” Raven muttered through gritted teeth. They would pay soon enough. It was only a matter of time till the castle was cleansed of the filth that lived there currently. A small smile crept onto his face as he stood on the slate roof. “Only a matter of time.” he said. The assassin moved along the roof and jumped through the gaping hole that lead to the ruined choir loft. He landed silently then walked to the edge where he could look down at the main floor.
     Some old pews remained in place with moth eaten cushions, but most of them had been removed from the floor when the small gang of assassins had moved in. Colored patterns of moonlight washed the creaky and decaying floorboards. Raven let his eyes wander to the stained glass windows. Many panes of colored glass remained in their lead fixtures, but some of the panes had been broken and jagged bits of color marked the spots. The pulpit was washed in candle light and Raven saw his friends sitting around a table strewn with parchment. He smiled, they were always the diligent workers.
     Quietly the black haired man walked down the spiral staircase to the main floor. He moved silently across the floor. After so many years of living in the abandoned church he knew which floorboards to avoid and which spots to jump. No one jumped when he came into the pool of candle light. The four assassins were used to their friend coming from the shadows. “Rave, take a look at this. We found some old texts in the basement that talk of the Royal family.” Elise said pointing to the dusty pieces of parchment on the table. His heart clenched a little in fear as he saw everyone reading.
     “Oh. Anything interesting?” he asked trying to sound uninterested.
P.P.S. I wanted a visual to sort of go with Raven's hide out. So Ii googled. and i found this site. And i LOVE the pictures. They are tots def what I had in mind.

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