Saturday, January 9, 2010

Oh College

Happy Saturday Night!

I decided that it would be a good idea to log and finish registering for spring classes. Turns out I can’t. FML! I have two holds on my account for I have no clue why! Which means I only have three classes worth 9 credits. Thus I will be kicked out of my campus housing this Friday if I do get these holds off my account and register for the rest of my classes because I need 12 credits to continue to live on campus. Good thing I found this out on a Friday night when I have to wait till Monday to fix it. FUUUUNNN BEANS!! Hahaha not. And what’s even more frustrating is the fact that all the classes I want to take have openings!! This is frustrating me because I can see the open classes but I cannot register. So I hope no one registers and closes the classes or I will promptly hunt them down and throw jello at them… actually I probably just cream at my computer and curse my school and be happy that I am transferring to NYU for the fall. I have made plans to go to campus Monday and rectify this situation! I also realized that I have seven days of break left and I am very close to broke which means no textbooks unless I babysit this week… must make phone calls…. Haha oh college how I love and hate you. But I’m tots def looking forward to moving back to my lovely quiet dorm. I love being home but I love being at school more. I just hope when I get back to school that I can keep up my epic writing streak because I am UBER close to finishing my first draft! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!


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