Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sliabh Torc

Torc Mountain (or in Gaelic, Sliabh Torc) is a 535m high mountain in Country Kerry. According to Wikipedia it gets its name from an enchanted boar that was killed there by the legendary hero, Fionn mac Cumhaill. Pretty cool right? Guess what’s even cooler.... I climbed it Sunday!

I went with to OPC (Outdoor Pursuit Club). We walked 20 km (12.5 miles). It was lots of fun but a lot of work. I’ll start with saying I’m not a very athletic person so you might be wondering why I did this. I have a friend who was already in OPC and she said it would be an easy hike... so I thought it would be good fun to go and take pictures.

Boy was I wrong. The first bit was nice… then we got to the first hill. And it was steep and I started getting tired and out of breath maybe a quarter of the way up. But I pushed on! Then it was downhill and flatness, which I enjoyed a lot.
 After we stopped for lunch we tackled Torc Mountain. It didn’t look too bad from the bottom, little did I know I couldn’t see the top. This happened three times when I was hiking. They were all when I was getting very tired and needed a break that I would look up and think “I can see the top! It levels off there!” Of course not. Just past it leveling off was another long stretch of hiking. When I really was getting near the top one of the guys in the club came and walked with me. He was totally hysterical, he was blabbering on about his or that and all I could do as nod or say a word. He was walking like climbing a mountain was nothing, then again he’s been in the club since he started UL.

Here are a few of the 300 pictures I took.....

the bridge right after I got off the bus

epic mountain


waterfall at our first stop

the view climbing up Torc

these are my housemates at the top, sooo pretty

more top view

going back down

walking to the bus

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