Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

I hope you all are having as nice a day as I am. It was nice I slept in today. Usually I wake up around 6 on Christmas but for the first time ever I stayed up late on Christmas eve/ Christmas. So I woke up about 8. Very nice indeed. We did stockings in my older brother’s room then we had to wait to go down while my mum and dad got the camera set up. Over all it was such a nice Christmas so far. I tots def loved all my gifts I got some really funny ones and I gave some funny ones. Like my family got free things I picked up at school from various fairs and what not. Oh and my mum and dad gave my brothers and I a Fo-Wii. So we’re bowling and doing tennis. It’s way cool. But basically we’re all sort of just chilling out which is the best part of Christmas cause we never do anything like rushing about to people’s houses. I love it. And OH MY GOSH!! Pumpkin pie later. Pumpkin pie is pretty much the best thing ever!! I hope I get some writing today. I feel very festive and Christmasy so I think I might work on the Winter’s Night scene. Winter’s Night is basically Christmas. Haha. Oh and check out the awesome Christmas tree and cody’s in the pic. Hehe silly dog.


Anyhow. Enjoy your day!!


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