Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cool sites and funny story


Okayso here’s an awesome site you’ve gotta check out… but I’ll get back to that in a second cause how I found the sight is rather a good story. The story is as much as I can remember… And I’m going to make you read the story to get to the link. Haha. Or you can just skip a head.

So a couple years ago (I was in 8th grade so it was 2005) my cousin April got married. So my mum and I flew down to Texas for the wedding and it was fun beans. But we were excited to go home because we had a connecting flight we had to catch in Milwaukee Wisconsin. We’d never been to Wisconsin and we planned on getting shirts and stuff in the airport. Basically we did and it was cool. Then we went to got wait for our plane at the gate and we saw these two redheads who looked like they were my age. We must have been standing close to them cause we heard them say something about Newark (the airport we were flying into) and something else about New Jersey. So my mum and I started talking to them. They weren’t as young as they looked (they were high school seniors cause they were four years older then I was) and they told us so. I remembered they had their driver licenses and they pulled them out to show us. Any how the crew called for people with kids to board first and my mum was like lets go see if we can get on early. So she has the red-heads come with us saying they were her nephews. It was kinda funny. So we get on the plane and their seats were across the aisle and one row behind us. There was a lady sitting in the seats directly across from my mum and I. We wanted the red heads to sit across from us so we could continue talking to them so my mum asked the lady if she could switch with the boys because they were her nephew and she was taking them back to their mum. She was nice enough to switch with them and I think she slept the whole way anyhow. We got talking to them about school and the one Matt said that he was a graphic designer and he gave me one of his business cards that I tucked into my wallet. It was a nice ride and I was working on the beginning of the snowy waste. It was still in the very early stages (less than a year). And so they asked about it and I told them a bit about it and since I had the first few pages written out nicely so I let them read it. They were the second people to ever to read it cause up till then I was soooo self conscious of it that no one had read it. When we got to Newark we parted ways cause they went to meet up with their dad and my mum and I had to get home. So just recently I was switching wallets to a much needed new one and I found matt’s business card so I thought I’d check out his sight. Needless to say I was tots def impressed with it and it’s sooo cool! So you should check it out ( and defiantly check out his Microscope project cause that’s my favorite. Matt’s photos are way good! Also check out Fluent Apparel ( it’s basically Matt’s Microscope on t-shirts! How cool right. He’s also on facebook ( so friend him!

Any how ya… I hope you like it cause I was thinking of having Matt and Spencer work together on my book covers and promotional stuff… what do you guys think? Granted it’ll be a year or so down the road before I need them but I still think it would be cool cause I love Matt’s style and Spencer’s just awesome at drawing so I think they would be great together. Anyhow I hope you like the links!



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