Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A little bit of tid bits

Good Evening…. Well it’s actually night…..

So I’ve been really itchy to order my books for my signing I wanted to do over break and my school visits… but as it is I have yet to hear back from my publishers on getting a discount or whatev and I haven’t gotten any good ones in my email lately. As I’m sure you’ve guessed I’ve been antsy. So I decided a few things just about not. (1) I’m having my signing over spring break cause even if I ordered now it take 5-21 days for the books to get here. (2) I will not have books on me at my school visits. I’m going to take orders and money at the visits and then drop the books off at school after they’ve come in and I’ve signed them. (3) I’m sooooo excited for school visits!!

In other news I’m still writing bundles. I’m very happy cause I’m rapidly approaching the end of The Snowy Waste which means… dun, dun, dun… editing *screams*. Actually I sort of look forward to it cause I can buff up and smooth out some rough spots and perhaps add another little plot tid bit… I’m still debating on it though… because there is a huge list of pros and cons for adding it… it would be really cool but at the same time I have quite a bit going on and it might over complicate it so I’m not too sure yet. It’s rather frustrating cause I’ve rolling this idea around since this summer and well it’s the end of December so I should probably make up my mind soon. Who knows I might write it and if I don’t like it then I can take it out. One of the beauties of editing is you look it over before handing it to the publisher. But I must admit I hate editing and reviewing academic writing… that’s probably cause all my papers are on boring topics. Haha. But I’ve still got another 20 days till I have to worry about papers again. So I’m going to focus on my book! Night. Night!


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