Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Catch Up!

Oops… sorry I’ve been bust and I know I promised a list a day… so I’ll make up with posting the lists at the end. I have other stuff to catch you up on first. Mainly last Friday I had my visit at Voorhees. It went reallllly good. I read from A Colorless Myth and then I explained about publishing then I did Q&A. Now let me tell you I talked to a senior creative writing class so most of the kids knew me from when I went to school. And when I first started the Q&A no one raised their hand, it was probably for just a few seconds but it felt like hours for me and I started to panic/ come up with more stuff to talk about. Then a girl raised her hand and after that it went awesomely. It made me so happy. I was so happy cause someone asked me about my Series and so I had a small rant on that and it was fun. The forty minute class period went super fast. Like I was afraid going in that I wouldn’t have enough material to cover the whole time but it was just enough time. And my signing is this Saturday!!!!!!! I’m excited but a bit nervous too…. So I’m crossing my fingers that it goes well. Also I can’t find my camera charger!!!! So I don’ know if I’ll have pictures of it! Eek! So I’m going to search the house when I get home Friday cause it’s not in my dorm. Ugh! I hope I find it.

And I’ll be home this weekend for my signing obviously, but also my family and I are going to the Met Friday night for an opera! It’s a German one called Der Fliegende Holländer. Or in English the Flying Dutchman! I’m way pumped! And oh my gosh I was just trying to find a cool picture of the opera or something and I just noticed this! It’s written by Richard Wanger and I just had my Nazi Era Germany class and we had read one of Wagner’s essays earlier this semester! Oh my goodness this is so cool! It makes me even more excited.

And onto my lists… which means one week till I move out! I totally can’t wait!

What classes I’m glad are over
1) Transition to Kean
2) Algebra (way too easy)
3) Psychology

Things that sucked the most this year
1) How fast it went
2) Writing stupid papers
3) Having to pay an arm and a leg for books

Funest things this year
1) Fire drills when I was still sleeping..... not
2) First week at school running through the sprinklers with my suitemate
3) Uno with the guys next door
4) The snow day snowball fight!!

People I’ll miss minus their names
1) My second semester R.A.
2) My buddies I talked to at the front desk
3) My suitemate
4) The guys next door
5) The nice people who know me in the Caf
6) My writing Teacher
7) My Nazi Era Germany teacher

What I won’t miss about campus
1) The overly small campus
2) The rude people
3) The stupid people
4) My advisor

What I will miss about campus
1) My teachers
2) The few friends I’ve managed to make
3) Starbuck on campus (although I’ll have a bunch off campus next year!!!!!)
4) My desk with the cork board on the back…. And my ability to stick memos there….

What I will miss about whiteman 3rd floor
1) My R.A. cause she’s totally the best
2) My suitemate
3) The guys next door (even though they’re loud)
4) My half of the room

Ta da! Now I’m all caught up on lists! The fun ones are coming up (like what I won’t miss about my roommate)! Hehehe


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